Chapter 11

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A/N: So this is when Stiles sees Bodmall in the car with Derek because I'm sure I wouldn't want to be kept wondering about what the hell they talked about (Mainly because Derek wouldn't say shit). Anyway, thank you for everything - this is mainly a filler, sorry! Comment & vote would be super appreciated 


"Hello there handsome," A woman appeared around the corner and to Derek's disgust, he smelt her from inside.

"What did I say last night? At least call when you're around," Derek sighed and knew he couldn't do anything about it now.

"What's the point? You know when I'm around anyway." Derek shot a glare and stalked off, "I'm heading out, don't follow me." 

As soon as he got into his car and started the engine, the passenger door opened and closed, "I thought we were going to find Finn together?" The Druidess winked and Derek grunted but drove away with Bodmall smiling ahead of her.

"So, how's the hunt?" Derek didn't allow music in his car, he preferred the silence. However, Bodmall made him regret that decision, "I haven't started yet." Derek stated which got him an eye roll in return. 

When he parked in a tight spot, he got out to get two coffees to go from the café on the corner. As he waited, he looked back at the car and Bodmall was picking at her nails. He shook his head, thanked the barrister and returned to his car. Bodmall happily took the coffee from his hands and gulped down hers before she gave it a chance to cool down.

"What do you want?" Derek didn't bother starting the engine, at least not yet. He wanted answers but forcing her to talk in public wasn't an option right now. 

She looked at him and cocked her head to the side, "The same thing as you, wolf. I want Finn," she smiled and swallowed the rest of her coffee. Derek took his cup and slipped it in the cup holder between them, "How did you even lose him? The last time we saw you, you guys were protecting each other like a danger could come up any second,"

The woman sighed and clicked her tongue, "The last time we saw each other, you were ready to rip our heads off the second anything went wrong, so I'm not apologizing to be on edge around a pack of wolves," She closed her eyes then took a deep breath and her smile returned.

"Do you have any idea where Finn is? I can call my pack in to help-" A scoff escaped her mouth.

"Derek Hale. We are hunters. I raised him in the wild, he knows how to hide - especially from his prey. Might I remind you that I taught him everything, I may be old but I can still take out a few of your pups alone."

Derek glared at her but couldn't think anything to say. She was right. Finn was raised as a hunter, just as he was but they have possibly centuries of training and hunting on top of his 20 odd years of being alive. 

He gritted his teeth as he repeated his question, this woman was becoming irritable for Derek's tastes but if helping a Druidess will get a killer off the streets, then so be it.

"Do you have any ideas where Finn might be?" He looked ahead now. Focusing in and out on the objects around him.

"We'll try the church," her voice sounded like it echoed through his ears but Derek only shook it off and took a swing at his coffee.

Derek picked up a scent, a familiar one. He didn't want to look but he knew who it was straight away. He started the engine, checked his side mirrors and purposely took his time fixing his rear mirror. He caught a teenager with a red hoodie just hanging up on the phone, walking away from him.

Bodmall cleared her throat and it snapped Derek back to reality in his car. Without hesitation he sped off in the opposite direction of the teenager with the red hoodie. As much as he wanted to turn his car around and offer a ride, he couldn't afford putting the boy's life at risk around a Druidess. 

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