Chapter 1

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A/N: So this will be just a few parts hopefully because I didn't realise how long this would be! It started off as just a small scene in my head but it turned into something a little more. Hope you enjoy!

Diyosa xx

There was a light tap on Stiles' window and it woke Stiles instantly.
It wasn't the first person he expected at...1:30am, but he certainly wasn't the last.

"Geez, Derek what the hell?" Stiles yawned as he let the Alpha in his room only God knows why.
"Why were you on the floor?" The Alpha scanned the teen's room, coming across piles of papers and his laptop just dimly lit among the mess.

"I was..busy. School work." Stiles reached for his bed blindly behind him and tripped back, underestimating how close his bed was, "What's so urgent now Mr Wolf?" He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at the tall dark figure in his room. He knew how messed up he looked through the werewolf's eyes but at the same time, he really didn't care. It wasn't his fault he tried to sleep at somewhat normal hours for a guy his age.

"It can wait, never mind." He turned to the window but was caught and was faced by a distressed and sleep deprived Stiles.
"Are you serious? You freakin' come in my room, at this ungodly hour and then just tell me to wait? It must be urgent if you went through the effort to actually come to my house. Next time, just go to Scott's or something because next time -"
Suddenly the dark figure just came forward and wrapped his arms around Stiles as he burrowed his head between his neck and shoulder.

It made Stiles choke a little but he didn't mind. If he was going to be crushed by an insanely attractive werewolf who happened to be Derek Hale...then so be it.

Derek's grip loosened a little but didn't let go, "Is it that urgent?"
He felt a nod on his cheek, "It was lonely at the loft," the words just hung by Stiles' ear like an echo. It was so rare to be alive to hear such emotional words coming from someone who detached himself from the world.

Finally, Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's waist, knowing Derek wasn't going to explain any further or the fact he wasn't going to let go for a little while.

The two found themselves in Stiles' bed the next morning, in each other's arms just coming around, when there was a knock at the door. Derek and jolted up and swung out the window by the time the door was wide open, "Stiles, I'm heading - what did I tell you about leaving the window open at night?"
"What? Oh, um..yeah sorry. I felt hot is all. Sorry."  The Sheriff shook his head and looked around the room to see that the floor was gone by the amount of papers and books scattered around. He gave a look to his son and Stiles yawned and nodded, "Yeah yeah. Clean it by the time you get back. Yes sir," another yawn crept up on his face as the Sheriff told him he'll be back late but Stiles had his head buried in his pillow already.

No more than an hour slipped by and Stiles was being shaken awake by his best friend, "Dude! Wake up!"
"Noooo...just...five..more..." hands grubbed tightly around his ankles and he was suddenly yanked off the bed, "Scott I swear to - Why the hell is..." Stiles laid his eyes on the pack standing at his doorway. Partly because they wouldn't dare step foot in a paper covered floor and because they didn't want to deal with an angry, sleep deprived Stiles.
Scott held out a hand for Stiles which he took and explained, "We're worried about Derek."
Stiles quickly brushed down his hair but failed, "That doesn't explain why you had to drag me out of bed- Literally! Or why the pack is in my house. Just go talk to the big wolf himself." He straightened out his clothes and shuffled away some books and papers to the side with his foot before he checked his phone.
"Well we tried calling." And they tried hard, Stiles scrolled through all his missed calls in his notifications. He noticed every single one of Derek's pack had called at least twice. He looked up and Scott's expression didn't need him to explain anymore.

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