Chapter 19

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A/N: The research is in progress. More chapters are in progress. My life is in progress. I hope yours is a success. 


"Where do you need us?"

Derek spun around and rage couldn't cover how he felt when he saw his four teenage wolves waiting. With a huff he pointed to either side of the street, "Stick together. If someone leaves, follow them. I cannot afford losing anyone tonight." They nodded and followed their orders.

Finn had ran around the block to Bodmall who was still on the ground clutching her wounds. One of Allison's arrows had struck deep inside while the other had been ripped out with some difficulty.

"I thought you were going to take care of them!" Finn howled at the injured woman.

"If you hadn't started without me, I wouldn't have had to leave them alone in the first place. We were meant to do this together. Now help me heal!" Bodmall yelled in return. Allison and her dad had closed in on them with their weapons in position. Derek and his pack took the perimeter along with police blocking the streets.

When Finn clasped onto Bodmall's hand they both glowed a bright white to a dark burgundy then it was like a flash bomb went off that made the Argents stumble back and lose sight of Finn and Bodmall. Derek and some of his pack just caught a glimpse of the flash and they were back to using their instincts to find the couple.

Scott climbed to the top of a building using a deserted vehicle and crouched on the edge on the lookout. Boyd did the same on the opposite side of the street.

Derek ran a couple blocks away and ran through alleys, not missing any hideout whatsoever. Now that he knew Finn had the power to not only steal lives, he can also heal so perhaps there'd be some way to revive everyone he's 'killed'.

"Stiles, the guy did something to the woman and now they're gone. I think the woman was injured. How the hell do they have this kind of power?" The Sheriff spoke into the earphone with the microphone attached while also keeping an ear out for everyone in the area.

"I saw that yeah. I'm looking now. Hold on," Stiles typed away furiously while Lydia had finished locking the windows and doors to the house and finding all the weapons she could find.

"What do you mean you saw that? Where are you?"

"I'm at home. You said to stay here,"

"Do I want to know how you saw that?"

"Probably not,"

"Thought so. Got anything?" The Sheriff and a few other officers circles the block and another with their guns loaded and ready to fire.

"I can't find anything. I just...This Bodmall is a druid. I know that for sure. So what else did she learn over the years then..." Stiles stared into the screen until it became a blurry image in his head and the words just became letters and the letters just became pixels to him. He tried to think and continued to stare, "They must've practiced something. It can't be magic ... But then again I can't rule that out -"

"Stiles! Something! Please! We found them! Anything we can use against them!?"

"On it." Lydia tried her best not to act distressed but that was difficult when any second she could just scream. "Lydia. Do you know anything that could help?"

She froze and hesitated. She couldn't deny she's been researching on her abilities whenever she couldn't sleep, "Well. Banshees go way back. Maybe even in the same era as Druids and stuff." Stiles' eyes widened slightly and returned back to typing furiously. "Keep going. What else?"

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