Chapter 23

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"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Derek smashed his body against Stiles'.

"But did I die?" Stiles squeezed back, inhaling his scent.

Derek glared into his eyes - his stupid blue eyes, "You could have!"

For a moment longer, Derek ignored everyone and everything and focused on Stiles.

"Don't be such a sour wolf, I'm not leaving this world just yet." Stiles whispered followed by Derek's grunt.

Allison strolled into Lydia's room with her bow and the little number of arrows she had left, "So, how are we getting Peter's stupid soul back? Which I might also add, I'm not keen on doing."

"I'm too exhausted to think of that right now." Lydia sighed.

"Can you tell me how you could've done...whatever you Bodmall?

"Yeah...later" Lydia let her head sink into her pillows and welcomed the warmth envelop her body.

"That's probably tight enough," Stiles noticed Finn's hands were slowly turning to a dark red.

"You never know" Derek muttered and tied another knot.

Finn's body had slumped in the metal chair but his body still shifted every few seconds.

Scott limped into the basement with a container of water bottles, towels and cans labelled food that probably doesn't taste all that good under one arm and the other held against his chest. Stiles noticed the badly wrapped bandage around his forearm. Scott caught his look and only shook his head slightly then dropped the container a meter away from the chair that held an ancient warrior.

Finn jolted up and wriggled his entire body with no luck. His head whipped around like he was possessed...calculating his surroundings. Clueless.

"We have some questions." Derek squatted at his feet. Barely recognising the hysterics the man was going through.

"Where am I?" Finn gasped.

Derek picked up a bottle of water and held it up to his mouth, need to keep him hydrated to talk.

Finn hesitated before opening his mount and gulping down all he could and finished the entire bottle within seconds.

"What happened to Bodmall?"

Derek shrugged.

Finn looked to the teenage boys. They just stared.

"You know!"

"Believe it or not, I don't. I wouldn't tell you if I did," Derek stood and unfolded a towel from the container to lay at Finn's feet.

Finn looked around the room once again. Just grey walls. A fold out table. A container of supplies. Two werewolves and a kid. This was how they were going to interrogate him? He's definitely endured worse in his years.

"Do you know the process of getting a werewolf's soul back?"

Finn stared at the Alpha.

Scott moved behind him. But Finn could sense him. His head jerked back and he met another pair of brown eyes, They flashed a tinge of orange.

"Do you know the process of getting a werewolf's soul back?" The Alpha asked calmly.

Scott stared back into Finn's eyes as he slowly raised a claw to Finn's cheek.

Digging slowly.

A line of blood runs down his face. Finn just barely flinching,

Derek nodded to Scott then stood up. Stiles was brought back to reality as he felt a touch on his shoulder. Derek motioned to go outside and squeezed.

It was going to get messy.

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