~Chapter 1~

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Jake POV

I took one step on the school ground. The same school I've been going to for years, suddenly felt different, for reasons I couldn't explain. Maybe it was the orange and red trees, or the cool breeze flowing through my hair. I walked up to my friends, and being near them, I felt.. off. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. 

My friend, Drew, turned to me with a bright smile, and I felt my face heat up. "Hey Jake. How you doing?" He asked me. "Uh, g-good!" I smiled awkwardly. 

Drew stared at me, contemplating my odd behavior, but shrugged it off, and continued speaking. I didn't pay attention to a word he said. I was too dozed off in his beautiful brown eyes, that I didn't hear him at all.

"Jake? Jake. Jake!" Drew yelled, and I snapped out of it. "AH! Uh, s-sorry! Just.. zoned out a little bit." I smiled. "What's up with you today? Got your mind stuck on those freak friends of yours or something?" Drew smirked. "No.. Something else.. But, i-it doesn't matter, haha!" I laughed. "Uh, would you look at the time? I better get going!" I ran off into the school.

I entered the school and immediately started looking around for Luke. 

Eventually I spotted him, flirting with his boyfriend, Zander. I ran up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around with a confused look on his face, and Zander looked angry. 

"Oh, hey Jake! What's up?" Luke smiled. I was about to speak, but I looked around and noticed how many people were around. So I grabbed Luke's wrist and ran off to the boy's bathroom, without saying anything. 

When we got there, Luke was very confused. "Uh. Jake?" He said in confusion. "Right, sorry, uh, can I ask you something?" I said, and blushed a little bit. 

Luke noticed my blush and looked at me oddly. "I'm dating Zander, remember?" He said, rolling his eyes. "N-no! It's not that! It's just.. Erm.. How did you do it..?" I spoke quietly, slightly embarrassed. 

"What?" Luke asked. "How did you confess to Zander?" I spoke a little louder. 

"Wait, you, Jake Sterling, one of the most popular boys in the school, who can make a girl faint with a single wink, are asking me, someone who has never been in love with a girl, nor dated a girl, for dating advice?" Luke explained with a confused look.

I blushed immensely at his statement. "Well.. that's the problem. Sure, I can flirt with girls with ease, but.." I cut myself off at the end out of embarrassment. 

"Oh. I see. So, who's the boy?" Luke smirked. "E-EH?! Uh.. N-no one!" I said flustered. 

"Mhm. Well, it's really simple. It's just like how you flirt with girls, just, instead of saying stuff like 'You're pretty' and showing yourself off, try something like 'You're handsome' and try to always give them the spotlight." Luke explained. 

I nodded and quickly pulled out a pen and notepad from my bag, and wrote it all down. Luke stared at my action. "You're acting pretty weird today." He spotted. 

"Nevermind that! Uh, and what if their your childhood friend..?" I spoke. "Uh. It's the same, but, try mentioning everything that they've done for you, and how important they are to you." Luke explained again, and once more, I wrote it all down. 

I started to write down what to say and realized. "I've never done anything for him.." I said softly. "What was that..?" Luke asked. "Oh, nothing!" I said with a fake smile.

'I haven't done anything for him! He saved me from being bullied, and I never returned the favor! Oh God.. I'm a horrible person, aren't I?' I thought to myself, tearing up a little bit. 

I suppose Luke noticed this too, as he asked if I were alright. "Uh- Yup! I'm fine! Haha." I spoke with another fake smile.

Thankfully the bell saved me from having to explain myself. "Well, we better get going to class! See you at practice! And thank you!" I said quickly, before shoving the notepad in my bag and running off.

All day all I could think about was what Luke said. 'Try mentioning everything he's done for you..' I thought to myself. 'He's done so much.. It'd be hard to jot it all down in a single sentence..' I was zoning out so much, that I didn't do any of my work for any of my classes. I'm glad we didn't have any tests today.


Word Count: 766

A/N: Well, here you go! The first chapter of "New Feelings"! I'm finally doing multifandom writing, which I've wanted to do for a while now. I'll try to continue the story so you don't have to watch the series before reading, but I do suggest it.

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