~Chapter 30~

968 31 44

No one's POV

Zander sat on his bed smiling to himself. He was writing in a notebook when his phone buzzed. He turned the screen on to see a message from Luke. Zander blushed a bit as he double tapped the notification and punched in his password. 

Luke 🧡

Hey, Zander
Can we talk about something?
It's important.

Zander read over the text multiple times, scanning it. Fear crawled up his spine as thoughts spiraled in his head. He shook his head and began typing. 

Luke 🧡

Yeah, sure
What's wrong?

Over a call, please
I need hear your voice

You're not breaking up with me are you..?

Of course not!!
I just need to talk to you


Zander's phone began ringing as Luke's name appeared at the top of the screen. He tapped the green button gently before hearing Luke's soft voice play through his ears. "Hey Zander," He smiled. "Hey. What's up?" Zander replied. "Okay, uh, remember yesterday?" Luke asked softly. "When you were going after Jake and Drew..?" 

"What of it?" Zander replied harshly. 

"Well. Why did you do that exactly? And.. Why were you being so hard on them..?" 

"Did you not see what Jake did to us?! You even believed him and went after them as well!"

"But.. Does he really deserve to be talked to like that..?"

"What do you mean?! You did it too!"

"Zander. I never said anything of his.. looks."

Zander's heart stopped. "Wh-What..?" He muttered out. "I heard what you told him," Luke sighed. "You know exactly what he's going through. Why make it worse on him? Sure he said some bad things on that Insta-Story, but he doesn't deserve that."

Zander began retracing his words, his mind flooding with right and wrong answers. He didn't know how to feel. Would Luke leave him because of this? No, he's just overthinking. Right? A lump grew in Zander's throat as his chest began aching at the thought. "Y-You're right.." He managed to say without bursting into tears. He had never regretted something so much in his life. "Can you apologize to him on Monday?" Luke pleaded. "Yeah, I will," Zander replied blankly. 

"Thank you," Luke smiled. Silence then washed over the two as Zander thought of what to do. You really dug yourself into a pit with this one, Zander. He sighed to himself. "Hey, Zander?" Luke said softly, breaking the silence. "Hm?" Zander hummed. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too."


The two adults walked back into the room as the doctor sighed. Jenna was still stunned with what she had heard, doing her best not to cry. "Okay, you three may leave now," The doctor said, placing his notes down before taking the small paper Drew had given him earlier into his hands. Jake slipped off the exam table and, with Drew and Jenna next to him, exited the room. As Jake and Jenna walked down the hallway, Dr. Dan took hold of Drew's arm to speak with him.

"About what you wrote," He began. "You said your parents--" 

"No," Drew interrupted. "I don't want to hear it again." 

"Right.. Well.. Is everything okay at home? And how long had it been going on?" 

"..Since I was a kid.. But, I recently I've moved far from them, and I've been getting better at taking care of myself,"

"Well, you better run off now. I'm sure they're looking for you." 

"Right. Bye." Just as Drew began walking off, Dr. Dan called out to him. "Oh, wait!" He said. Drew turned around as the doctor shoved a letter into his arms. "Take this," He said blankly before walking away, disappearing around a corner. Drew just stared at where he had vanished. He turned his attention to the letter in his hands. He scanned it for a label or signature, but couldn't find anything. 

"Drew!" He suddenly heard. Drew turned to see Jake standing in the hallway. "You coming or what?" Drew giggled and shoved the letter into his pocket. "Coming!" He called out, walking to Jake. 


Jenna pulled out of the parking lot, and continued on down the road. Halfway there, she pulled over; parking the car. As Jenna turned off the ignition she turned around to the two confused boys. "Okay, Jake, you have some explaining to do," She spoke sharply. "You have anorexia and never thought to tell me?!" Jake grew a pit in his stomach. 

"Okay, it looks bad, but I didn't want anyone to know! As of now you and Drew are the only ones who know!" Jake explained. I hope.. He thought glancing at Drew, who was fiddling with his drawstring. "It is bad! Jake do you even know how serious this is?! Don't just brush it off like it's nothing!" Jenna half-yelled. 

"I know it's bad! It's worse then bad! But I can handle it on my own! I've handled everything on my own!" 

Drew listened to every word he said. What did he mean by that? The thought scared Drew more then anything. His mind began racing with unanswered questions.

"Jake, if you just told me what was going on we could work through this together!" Jenna combated. Jake sighed and sat back in his seat, staring blankly out the window. 

"I'm not done talking to you, young man," Jenna retorted. 

"What else is there to explain? I have anorexia. That's it. Help me if you want," Jake said blankly, crossing his arms over his chest. Drew looked to him with concern and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jake..?" He muttered. Jake ignored him. Drew grew a pit in his stomach. Jenna sighed and began the ignition, driving back onto the road. The three stayed quiet for the ride home. Drew noticed Jake's teary eyes, and moved closer to him, leaning his head on Jake's shoulder. Jake then moved his arm to Drew's waist to pull him closer into a hug.

Drew was shocked at the sudden action. He had thought he was mad at him, but for now that's far from his concern. He was just happy their relationship wasn't at risk. 

At the moment..


Word count: 1023

A/N: :)

also creds to amy for the last couple lines

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