~Chapter 15~

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Drew POV

We had decided to move to Jake's room so we could hang out without Jake's mom being there, and so we could discuss what happened today. 

Jake and I were laying on Jake's bed, and I was using him as a pillow as he played with my hair. Liam and Henry were playing Uno and Henry was continuing to lose over and over again.

After a while he finally gave up and sat down on the bed with me and Jake.

"So.. What exactly happened with Zoey?" He coughed up. 

Jake stopped messing with my hair, and I sat up straight to see his face. He looked as if Henry just asked him something really personal.

"Well, she said one of the big reasons why she started cheating on Drew was.." He stopped and looked at me pitifully, but I gave him a smile and told him to continue. "She wanted to make him feel jealous, which was stupid because of what she said to him. I told him he.. would.. never love her again, and she started attacking me. Not long after her boyfriend joined in as well."

I felt a rock grow in my throat as Jake finished. To think I actually loved and cared for her..

Henry gasped and covered his mouth. "Holy.. And I thought Milly was a sav-.. was bad." He started, but cut himself off halfway. We've all been trying to get used to not calling Jake's friends 'Music freaks' or stuff like that, but it slips out every now and then.

Jake's face darkened a bit, but lit back up as he plastered a smile on his face. "Hey, that's all in the past! Now, how about a movie?" He smiled, standing up.

I looked out the window and saw flashing lights outside. My eyes widened a touch and I stood up to leave. "Uh.. I'll be right back.." I said, and quickly ran outside. I looked around for a familiar face. Suddenly I felt my ears ring and saw a bright light in front of me.

I stared at it like I deer in headlights, trying to piece together what it was. It looked like a.. car..?

"Oh no.." I mumbled, as the details became more clear. Before I knew it, my Dad was walking towards me, yelling. "Drew! Drew Williams, get over here!" 

I ignored his calls, and turned to go back inside, but I soon felt his grasp on my arm. "Hey! Listen to me!" He yelled again. "You are to come home, this instant!"

I jerked my arm back and yelled, "No!" 

He took a step back, but started coming closer to me. I backed up until I hit the wall. "Excuse me? Did you just say 'No'? To ME?!" He screamed, before slapping me as hard as he could. "I am your Father! Without me you wouldn't exist! Now get in that damn car right now!"

"No! You are not my Dad!" I yelled. "My Dad cared for me! My Dad loved me! My Dad wouldn't hurt me! It wasn't just my Mother that died that day!"


"You're right. I'm not your Dad." 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Because my son is not GAY!" 

He shoved his phone in my face and the first thing I saw was a picture of me and Jake. My eyes widened. "I knew that music boy was a bad influence on you. They all were! Now look where you're at!"

My father grabbed my wrist as tight as he could. "Now, you are to get in that car this instant, come home with me, and pack your things." 

"We're moving."

His words echoed through my head, and I felt my eyes quickly turn into waterfalls as my heart shattered. "NO!" I screamed, trying to break from his grasp. 


"You are my son! I can do whatever I want!"


My father stopped in his tracks.

"Then so be it."

He let go of my wrist and I fell to the ground. 

He pulled a gun out of his pocket.. Raising it to my head. 'Wh-what?! Did he have this planned out?!' I thought, as I felt my stomach sink.

I shut my eyes tight, ready for my life to come to a close. I heard the gunshot, but.. I felt no impact. 

I opened my eyes and in front of me was Jake's mother. She had grabbed my father's arm and twisted it to face the gun towards the ground.  

"Sir. I want you off my property." She growled, swiping the gun away from his grasp. 

"Make me."


We then heard police sirens in the distance, and she showed her badge to my father. "Wh-what?!"

"Sir, you have the right the remain silent."

"What is going on?!" Liam, Henry, and Jake all shouted, bursting out the door. 

"Drew!" Jake yelled, running to me and kneeling down. "Are you okay?" He asked, worry filling his eyes. 

I giggled and placed a hand on his cheek. "Yes, I'm fine."

Jake quickly pulled me in for a hug, and placed a kiss on my lips. "What happened?" Henry asked. I turned my head to my father who was getting arrested. 

"He.. tried to take me away. He found out about you and I, Jake, and tired to get me to move but-"

"But then I came in, so, you're welcome." Jake's mom interrupted and smiled. We all laughed and went inside.

But just as I was about to step inside the house, I turned back to my father. 

I felt.. pity.


Word count: 919

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