~Chapter 6~

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Jake POV

It's been a couple days now, and I haven't heard or seen from Drew. I was starting to get worried. I decided to ask Zoey if she knew where he was, or the cause of his sadness. "Hey, Zoey?" I asked the blonde girl. "Uhg. What?" She snapped at me. 

"Aye! Calm yourself. I just want to ask you something." 

"Fine. What do you want?"

"Do you know where Drew is?"

Her eyes widened as the question slipped from my lips. "Nope. Haven't seen him. Nor do I care, really." She rolled her eyes. "That d!ck can go drown himself for all I care." I was taken aback by her words. "Wh-what?! How could you say that?!" I yelled. "Say what? The truth?" She smirked. "I'm surprised you're not agreeing with me. He makes fun of your freak friends all the time. Or maybe you don't actually care about them?"

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't think of anything. I just stood there in silence. 

"That's what I thought. Now, come on Lia. Let's go-"

"No!" Lia yelled. 

"Excuse me?"

"I am not hanging out with you again! I hate this life! I don't want to be your friend anymore! I don't want to be a bully!" 

"Fine you hoe! I don't need you anyway!" 

Lia ran away, almost in tears. I stared at Zoey. "What is wrong with you today? First you call your boyfriend a d!ck, and say he can drown himself, then you call your only friend a hoe?" I said. "I don't mean to be incentive, but.. If anything, you're the hoe." I trailed off a little bit at the end of my sentence. I didn't like calling people names like that, but it fit Zoey too much.

"Whatever. Go f**ck yourself, Jake." She growled, and turned around. 

I clenched my fist at her statement. Not many people told me that, so I still get mad when people do. I shook my head and decided to go after Lia, since she was my friend. "Lia?" I called. "Lia!" Eventually I spotted her. She was outside on the bench, crying. I walked over to her. 

"Mind if I sit..?" I asked kindly. Lia looked up to me, and nodded, wiping her tears. I slowly sat down next to her. "Hey, I'm sorry about Zoey. I don't know what's gotten into her." I said softly. "It's her new boyfriend. Ever since they started dating she's been meaner than ever." Lia sniffed. 

"New boyfriend..?" 

"Y-yeah.. She's been cheating on Drew, remember? Her sugar daddy. But, that's what he was before, but she's grown closer to him. Now they're actually dating."

"That must be why Drew's upset."


I looked at Lia, and moved closer to her. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "H-huh..?" She said surprised. "I know how it feels.. to be left in the dust. Don't worry, I'm here for you." I said softly. She slowly returned the hug, and dug her face into my shoulder, crying. I didn't mind at all. 

"Thanks Jake." Lia smiled. I noticed her blushing a bit, but I didn't think much of it. "Of course! Anything for a friend." I smiled back. 

"Now, we better get going to class." I said, standing up. I reached my hand out for Lia to take it. "Thanks." She blushed. I nodded, and walked to class.

During lunch that moment with Zoey bounced around in my head like a pinball. 'I.. called her a hoe.. Why would I do that? She's probably going to tell the whole school. God dammit.' I thought. "Uh, Jake?" Liam asked. "Hm?" I hummed, snapping out of my thoughts. 

"Why do you look so mad?"

"Zoey. I was talking to her today, and, she called Lia a hoe, and.. to defend her, I said 'if anything you're the hoe.' And then she told me to.. F myself.." I explained. "Well, that's not that bad." Henry poked in. "Yeah, it isn't on paper, but I don't like calling people names like that. Freak and nerd is one thing, but hoe? That's probably the worst insult ever!" I said, with a slight lump in my throat. "Sorry, just been a little out of it since Drew disappeared.." I sighed. 

"Hey, it's alright." Liam smiled. "We understand."

"Shouldn't you be heading to rehearsals now?" Henry pointed out. "Shoot. Uh, I'll talk to you guys later, bye!" I said, standing up and exiting the cafeteria. 

Once more I headed to the music room. As I entered a cold feeling seemed to wash over me, as everyone turned their attention on me. I looked to the ground. "Hey, Jake. You're late again." Hailey rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's why you- Nevermind. Uh, sorry." I apologized. She gave me a look, and nodded. "It's.. alright."

"Hey Jake, could you sing this part of the song?" Sean asked, pointing at a high note on a piece of paper. "Try to go as high as you can." I nodded, and sung the note. I tried my best to go higher, but my voice cracked when I got as high as I could. I stopped and blushed in embarrassment. 

Sean laughed. "Hey, that's alright. It happens to everyone. And now I know how high to make the note to reach your limit." He smiled. I nodded. "I'm gonna get some water real quick." I said, exiting the room. 

When I did I saw Zoey walking down the hall. I turned away from her, and started drinking from the water fountain. 

As I went to take a sip, she splashed water in my face. "Ah!" I yelled. "Oops. I'm sorry, music freak." She laughed. I stared daggers at her as she gave me an evil smirk. "What? Not gonna call me a hoe this time?" 

I clenched my fist. I wanted to punch her so badly. Now I understood why Milly hated her so much. Zoey spotted my fist, and used this.

She quickly grabbed my wrist and held it next to her head. She stood in a pose to make it look like she blocked a punch. "Hey! You were going to punch me, weren't you?!" She yelled. "Wh-What?! N-No! I'd never punch a girl!" I yelled. 

"Hey! Get your hands off her!" I heard a voice yell. I turned my head to see a guy with brown hair standing right behind Zoey. He pushed me into the wall and grabbed my jacket collar.

"Listen here, music boy. You stay far away from her. You got it?" He growled. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was too afraid. I started having flashbacks from when I was younger. "You got it?!" He repeated. "Y-Yes! I got it!" I squeeked. He dropped me to the ground and they both walked off. 

'All this just because I called her a hoe..?' I thought.

"What is going on out here?!" Zander yelled, running outside. "Jake? What are you doing on the floor?" 

"I.." I looked to Zoey and her new boyfriend. "..tripped." 

"Oh. Well pick yourself up, we need to finish rehearsal." Zander said before going inside the clubroom.


Word Count: 1180

A/N: I am sorry for making you endure that. But I don't promise that it'll be the only time-

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