~Chapter 14~

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Narrator POV

Hailey grabbed her step-brother's wrist and looked at his watch. "Hey!" He called. "Calm it, I'm just checking the time." She said.

3:53 PM

Her face dropped, and worry filled her body. "It's been almost 25 minutes. Where is Jake?" Hailey asked as her face darkened. 

"Good question." Milly said, just as confused as Hailey was.

Zander crossed his arms against his chest. "I knew it.." He muttered. 

"I knew he would pull this! We should have never let him in the club!" 

"Zander, calm down! I doubt he would do that." Luke said, placing a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"No.. He has a point.." Sean piped up sadly.

"Guys! Do you have any idea what you're saying?" Hailey defended. 

"Hailey! Open your eyes! He was just toying with us!" Zander yelled. 

Hailey felt her eyes tear up as her heart sank. 'He wouldn't really do that, right? He probably just had something to do. Yeah.. That's it.' She thought. 'But.. he would've said something.. Ah! Hailey, knock it off! He wouldn't do that and you know it!.. Right..?'

Lia, who was just passing by, heard everything. She looked at the music club with disgust and opened the door.

"Are you guys kidding me?!" She shouted. Everyone turned their attention to the ivory-haired girl in front of them. "Jake doesn't show up to rehearsal one time, and all of a sudden you all turn your backs on him?! Aren't you supposed to be his friends?"

Everyone was taken aback by what Lia said. She almost never shouts at anyone, so you know she was serious. Lia was the only one here who knew what Jake went through, as they went to the same school together since elementary, so she was very hurt to see it happen again. 

She turned around and slammed the door shut, continuing on to her parent's car outside.

The music club just sat there in silence. They all knew Lia was right, but no one wanted to admit it. Zander looked to the ground in shame.

"She's right, you know." Luke piped up. "We are Jake's friends. We're supposed to support him, not attack him." 

"I agree. We should go find Jake, maybe he just lost track of time?" Hailey agreed. They all nodded and left the music room in a group.

Liam POV

"Come on, you can do it!" I laughed, raising the phone up high. "Liam! Give me my phone!" Henry whined, trying to reach up.

As he kept jumping up, I soon placed a quick kiss on his cheek. Henry froze and quickly turned pink, covering his face. I laughed at his cuteness and ruffled his hair, handing his phone back to him.

"Henry, Liam!" We heard in the distance. The two of us turned around and saw the music club running over to us. "Oh, hey guys." I smiled. "Something up?"

"Have you seen Jake at all?" Hailey asked. Henry and I looked at each other, and looked back at them. "Yeah.. We have." Henry said lowly.

"Is something wrong..?"

I pulled out my phone and opened up Drew's messages. I turned the phone to them so they could see.

Drew 🥸

"hey Liam?"

"ay wats up?"

"can you tell Henry that me and Jake are going home early today?"

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