~Chapter 7~

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Drew POV

I pulled my hood over my head and stared at my slightly covered hands. I pulled my sleeve up a bit to see them. 

They were shaking.

I moved my arms around my cold body and hugged myself, pulling my knees in for warmth. I felt a few tears escape from my eyes. I looked to my phone as it vibrated next to me. I reached over for it. '4 missed calls from Jake?' I thought. 'And 10 messages..' 

I slid my finger up on the screen to go to the messages.



you there??


im worried..

please tell me your ok


answer your phone please??


please tell me you are alright..


I stared at the messages. I began to type. 

"Hey, Jake. I'm sorry I haven't been replying. My mind has been all over the place. But I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. I'm sure you've heard by now, but I saw Zoey with someone else. She seemed happier, so I decided to break up with her. I felt like my heart was ripped from my chest. It hurt so much, but if she's happy I'll be okay."

I stared at the unsent message as a tear fell onto the screen. I held backspace, deleting the message.

'I can't tell him yet.' I told myself.

I leant my head against the wall, and wiped my tears. I let a sigh escape from my lungs. I stood up and exited the area. As I walked down the street in the dark, I listened to music. Normally I just listened to songs I heard Jake hum, or songs he told me about. I never had that great of a music taste, so Jake would always tell me about songs he liked. 

He never sung anything, however. I wish he did. He thinks that we don't want him to sing, but, I really don't mind. I don't know about Henry and Liam though. 

Every step I took made me feel colder. I placed my hands in my pockets, and sped up my pace. Before I knew it, I was here. The Brookdale Park. I walked to the fountain and stared at my reflection. I pulled my hood down to see myself.

I looked horrible. My hair was ruffled and I had bags under my eyes. My eyes couldn't leave the water. I felt a tugging feeling in my gut. I reached my arm into the water. I felt a cold feeling run up my arm. I placed my other arm into the water, and leant on the bottom of the fountain. 

Just as I went to dunk my head in the water, I heard someone call my name. "Drew!" I heard. I turned around and saw a figure standing there. It looked like a male teenager. "Is.. is that you?" 

I saw the figure walk closer to me, and I pulled my hands from the water. As the figure came closer, the details became more clear. 

It was Jake.

"DREW!" He cried, running up to me. He quickly wrapped his arms around me, and buried his face into my shoulder. "D-Drew! Oh thank God! I thought I'd never see you again!" Jake sobbed. I slowly returned the hug. "Hey, Jake." I said softly.

Jake pulled away from the hug and looked at me with a concerned look on his face. "Where were you? And why didn't you answer your phone?" He asked. "I.." I opened my mouth to speak the truth, but all that came out was, "That's a story for another day." I held my arm and looked to the ground.

Jake moved my chin up with his hand. "Hey. I don't wanna see you sad. Put a smile on that beautiful face of yours, will you?" He smiled, but quickly covering his mouth, realizing what he had said. His face turned redder then a cherry.

"What was that..?" 

"O-Oh nothing! Haha!" 

"Anyway, what are you doing out here?" 

"I come here every night. Normally to practice my- I mean.. Look at the stars." He answered, looking around at the night sky. "Oh." I replied simply. 'You don't have to hide your liking for singing, Jake..' I wanted to say. But I never could find the courage to say so.

Jake, enthusiastically, grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the grass, where he made me sit down on the ground. "Look!" He pointed to the stars in the sky. 

"It's your Zodiac." 

I looked to the sky to see a constellation in the form of a curvy arrow. I recognized that arrow. Though it wasn't an arrow, it was a scorpion. Suddenly, I heard a sound of humming. I turned my head to see that Jake was the source of it. "What are you singing?" I asked. 

"H-huh?! Uh, I'm not singing! I'd never sing. I'm not a music freak."

"Jake." I said, placing my hand on the paranoid boy's hand. "It's okay. I don't mind."

He looked at me in surprise. "Okay, then.." He said, beginning to slip from humming to singing. I listened as the lyrics flowed through my ears. His voice was so beautiful. I could have it playing on repeat for a week. 

It sounded like I was listening to an angel sing a lullaby. His voice was so soothing, it could calm anyone. 

When he finished, a little part of me got sad, because I wanted to listen to him forever. "That was so good, where did you learn to sing like that?" I asked.

"Thank you, I learned when I was little. My Mom would always sing when she cooked, so I just learned from her I suppose." Jake replied. "God, it feels weird singing to someone who isn't in the music club." 

"Why is that?"

"Well, ever since I met you guys, I never really sang in front of anyone. Because we would make fun of the music club, I thought that you wouldn't like it if you found out I like singing." Jake explained. I felt a lump in my throat when he said that. 

"Is, that the real reason you joined the music club?"

"Well, Daisy did ask me to join, but, I also joined because the little kid in me felt like he could finally be set free.." 

A part of me broke as Jake's words flooded my senses. I quickly threw my arms around him. "Jake. You're always welcome to be yourself with us. Don't you think for one second you have to hide! We're your friends." 

I heard Jake sniffle, and felt a tear fall onto my shoulder. I hugged him tighter, as he buried his face into my neck, crying once again. "It's okay.." I said softly. 

"I'm here for you." 


Word count: 1088 

A/N: And so the gay begins :)

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