~Chapter 11 ~

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'Okay, just, go for it. It's only 3 words. I can do this.. It's now or never..' I thought.

"For.. a very long time, I thought I liked Daisy.. But, recently, I've realized that.. I actually don't just like Daisy.. I.. I like someone else." I confessed. Drew's head popped up.

"Someone who's been by my side, for as long as I can remember. Someone, who I can trust.. With my deepest secrets. They may never see me this way, and, that tears me to shreds. But, I have learned that, maybe.. Just maybe, they might.." Drew looked at me, "Who..?" Drew asked.


Jake POV

Drew stared at me, speechless. "Wh..what..?" He mumbled.

"I'm not that good with words, so, maybe this will do." I said, walking closer to Drew. I placed one hand on his hip, and another on his cheek and pulled his face closer to mine, connecting our lips together.

Drew POV

"What..?" I spoke. I knew what he said, but.. I was confused. 

How could he love me? I made fun of his friends, and made fun of.. Something he likes.. How could he ever like me as more than a friend? 

"I'm not that good with words, so, maybe this will do." He said, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. 

My eyes widened at the feeling, and my face turned bright red. What.. what was this feeling? I've never felt like this before.. Sure, I've kissed Zoey before, but I've never felt this way towards it.

I slowly melted into the kiss. Jake's soft lips on mine felt so right. I felt butterflies arising in my stomach, and I closed my eyes, as a tear slipped it's way out of my eye and fell down my face. I placed my hands on his chest. I wanted this to last forever. 

But, alas, all good things come to an end, and we parted. I looked Jake in the eyes, which seemed to glow in the sunlight. 

"I love you, Drew." Jake mumbled out quickly. I smiled awkwardly, and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you too.." I said softly.

Jake was taken aback by my words, but soon wrapped his arms around me in a loving embrace, and I returned it.

Hailey's POV

I stared as the two boys hugged each other. I was happy for them, but at the same time.. I felt torn apart. I didn't know why I felt this way. I mean, sure, whenever I would hear Jake sing I would get this warm fuzzy feeling inside, and when he held my hand in the library I turned red, but, I didn't like him. 

Did I..?

I shook my head at the thought of actually being in love with that doofus, but I turned my gaze back to him and Drew, and felt my eyes tearing up. I tried to blink them away, but one escaped. I suppose Henry and Liam noticed my behavior, because they were looking at me funny. 

I stood up and ran off. I couldn't take this cold feeling any longer.

Liam POV

"What was that about?" I asked aloud. "Who knows. But my guess is that she had a little crush on our Jakey boy." Henry said with a smirk. "Seems like it." I laughed. 

"But looks like she missed her shot." 

I turned my attention back to our friends who were now staring awkwardly into each other's eyes. "I ship it." Henry smirked again. "You ship it now? I've been shipping it. Since Drew started getting jealous of the freaks for always being with Jake." I said proudly.

Zander POV

On my way to the music room with Luke, I saw Hailey run by us in tears. I started to worry, and told Luke to go on without me, and ran off in Hailey's direction. She kept running, and I almost couldn't catch up, but eventually I did and grabbed her wrist. 

"Hailey!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" 

She looked at me with broken eyes, and before I knew it, she had her arms wrapped around me. "I-it's Jake.." Hailey sobbed. "What did that idiot do now?" I growled, growing angry at him once again.

"N-No! He didn't do anything! W-well.. Not on purpose.." She sniffed. "H-he.. well.. he.. k-kissed Drew and confessed th-that he l-loved him..but I don't know why I'm acting like this! I sh-should be happy for them! R-right..?" 

Hailey stepped back and rubbed her eyes and nose with her wrist. I knew what was going on.

"I see. Hailey, I know you don't want to admit it, and neither do I, but.. I think you're in love with Jake. That's why you're so hurt that he loves Drew." I explained. 

"Wh-what?! I couldn't be i-in love with that idiot!" Hailey resigned. "Then why are you crying for him?" I said. 

Hailey was speechless. 

She backed away, before running back into my arms. "Y-you're right.." She sobbed. I held her closer and rubbed her back. "It's okay." I whispered softly. "You're too good for that simp anyway." Hailey giggled a little at my remark.

Jake POV

'I.. Kissed.. Drew..' I thought. 'I. KISSED. DREW.' 

I looked at the magenta haired boy and smiled, and he smiled back. His smile seemed to glow, as did his eyes. I blushed a little bit looking at him, and rubbed my neck awkwardly. 

"Well, well, well." We heard behind us. Drew and I turned to see Henry and Liam poking their heads out of a nearby bush. 

"H-Henry?! Liam?!" Drew and I said in unison. "I knew you were jealous, Drew." Henry spoke proudly. 

Drew blushed furiously at his statement, and covered his face in embarrassment. They both laughed a bit, and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"So, are you two a thing now?" Liam asked. I looked to a flustered Drew and smiled. 

"Yeah, we are." I smiled, taking Drew's hand.


Word count: 983

A/N: This isn't the end, ahahaha >:))))

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