~Chapter 10 ~

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Hailey's POV

"Maybe we could tune up this part a bit, then squeeze in Milly's guitar here." I told Sean. 

"We're also gonna need to make this part a little lower to fit Jake's voice reach. I doubt he'd be able to reach that high of a note." Sean smirked at me and said, "Yeah, but I bet you would be able to." I blush a little at what he said out of embarrassment. 

"Sean! You know I don't sing." I yelled. 

"And what about when you sung that song for Luke?" He countered. 

"That was to help a friend. I'm not singing in the competition." I crossed my arms. Sean rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine."

I heard footsteps running past the music room, and a familiar voice calling out. 

"Drew! Stop running!" 

I turned my attention to the door. "Was that Jake?" I asked. "Sounded like it." Sean said, just as confused as I was. 

"I'm gonna go check it out." I said, standing up and walking out of the door.

As I exited the club room, I looked down the hall to see the blonde boy running down the hallway. 

I ran down the hall, chasing after him. Soon enough I came up on Jake chasing Drew. 

Eventually they stopped outside.

 Something about this gave me deja vu from when we were chasing Luke and Zander. 

After the two boys stopped, I rushed behind a nearby bush, and listened in to their conversation. 

Jake POV

"Jake..! Quit.. chasing after me!" Drew yelled, out of breath. "No! You know I'm not wrong. She wasn't the one for you! I know it hurts, but trust me on this, will you?" I said, trying to comfort Drew. 

"You saw it with your own eyes!"

The magenta-haired boy stayed silent. "You saved me.. It's about damn time I saved you!" I yelled at my friend. Drew's eyes widened as tears formed. "I.. saved you..?" Drew said, taken aback by my words, and turning around to face me. 

"Yes.. Don't you remember? Way back in middle school.. You took me in when no one else would." I explained, with a sad smile on my face. 

*I sat alone at my desk. Everyone's words bounced around in my head like a pinball machine.

'Maybe I wasn't cut out for singing after all..' I sighed to myself, and rubbed my nose with my sleeve. I heard footsteps walking over to me. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard. I turned my head to see a magenta-haired boy looking at me. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm.. ah.. Who am I kidding? No, I'm not okay.." I said with a sigh. "Oh. Well, want to talk about it?" The boy smiled at me.

"I.. suppose." I answered, and the boy sat down in the seat next to me to listen. "It's just.. My whole life people have made fun of me.. For being.. 'Different.' And it's starting to take a toll on me.." I explained. 

"I see.. Well.. It's not much but, would you want to be my friend? I can help you! Maybe if you have a friend they'll leave you alone?" The boy explained. 

I looked at him like he had two heads. "You.. want to be my.. Friend..?" I asked in surprise. "

Of course!" 

"Say, what's your name?" He asked. "I'm Jake! And you?" 

"Drew. I can already tell we're going to be best friends, Jake!" Drew smiled.*

Narrator POV

Drew remembered when he first met Jake. He knew that becoming Jake's friend meant alot to him, but he never knew Jake counted it as "saving" him.

"Jake.." Drew said, breaking the silence. 'This is a good time to tell him. We're alone, this is exactly like how Luke confessed to Zander.. Maybe I'll be as lucky as them?' Jake thought. 

"Drew, listen. I have something to tell you." The peach boy spoke.

Hailey peeked out from the bush to watch what was happening, and not long after she did that, she realized she wasn't alone in the bush. 

"Henry? Liam? What are you two idiots doing here?" Hailey whispered to the two boys. 

You didn't think we'd miss this, did you?" Henry smirked. "I- But- Nevermind." Hailey sighed. 

Jake POV

I looked into Drew's eyes. He was waiting for me to say something. I hesitated. Soon, I felt the cold autumn breeze flow through our hair. 

"This probably isn't the best time, to tell you.. But.." I started.

'Okay, just, go for it. It's only 3 words. I can do this.. It's now or never..' I thought. 

"For.. a very long time, I thought I liked Daisy.. But, recently, I've realized that.. I actually don't just like Daisy.. I.. I like someone else." I confessed. Drew's head popped up.

"Someone who's been by my side, for as long as I can remember. Someone, who I can trust.. With my deepest secrets. They may never see me this way, and, that tears me to shreds. But, I have learned that, maybe.. Just maybe, they might.." Drew looked at me, "Who..?" Drew asked.



Word count: 847

A/N: I'm mean, I know ahahaha. Part 2 of this chapter will be out either later today or tomorrow >:DDD

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