~Chapter 12~

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Jake POV

After school, Drew and I exited with Liam and Henry close by. I squeezed Drew's hand, as I felt his fingers intertwined with mine. This was a new feeling, and I loved it. 

As we approached my house, I gave Drew a quick kiss on the cheek, and waved by to him, Henry and Liam, then entered my house. I dropped my bag on the ground and flopped down onto the couch.

"Not sneaking up to your room, huh? You must've had a good day." My Mom said from the kitchen. 

"The best." I smiled.

"Oh really? What happened?"

"Well.. You know my friend Drew, right?"

My mother nodded.

"Well.. I maybe sort of confessed that I had feelings to him. And he maybe sort of confessed his did too.. and now we're dating." I explained, blushing. I was a bit worried she wouldn't support it.

But my worry was washed away, as I felt my mother's arms wrap around me. "Ah! My baby boy got himself a boyfriend!" She cheered. "Mom!" I laughed.

She pulled away and smiled at me. "Oh, you're growing up so fast." My mom placed her hand on my cheek. 

"Now!" She clapped. "How about a special dinner tonight to celebrate? I'm thinking.. homemade chicken pot pie?" 

"Yes! I haven't had that in ages." I cheered. 

The next day.. 

As I exited my house to feel the cool morning air, I noticed Drew and Henry walking by. Henry seemed to be annoying Drew. I ran up to them and surprise hugged Drew from behind. "Morning!" I laughed. Drew jumped, but quickly realized it was me, and Henry was just watching like a movie.

"Morning, Jakey." Drew smiled, turning around to give me a small kiss. I blushed and took his hand. 

Henry stared at our hands, and quickly snuck himself between and asked for us to swing him. We laughed, but agreed, and soon enough we looked like two parents with their kid.

Soon Liam came running after us from his house. "Sup guys!" He called. 

"Hey Liam!" I smiled, giving him a high five as Drew and I stopped swinging Henry. The small boy quickly jumped on my back and yelled, "Onward, my trusty steed! To thy school grounds!" 

"Oh really?" 

"Onward I said, you bum!" 

"Whatever you say." I laughed, and started running as fast as I could.

Hailey POV

As Zander, Luke, and I were walking to school, I heard a familiar voice call out saying, "AHHH SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN!" 

I turned my head to see Jake running in circles with his friend on his back. Henry, if I remember right. 

"You're the one who wanted a ride, Hen!" Jake laughed. 

Drew, and I think Liam were laughing like crazy behind them.

"Ugh. Would you look at them? They're so childish." Zander rolled his eyes. "Zander, come on." Luke said, trying to tame the beast.

"And if anything, we're just as childish." I said.

Zander rolled his eyes again, and crossed his arms around his chest. I turned my attention back to the four friends who seemed to be having the time of their life. I walked over to them, ignoring Zander questioning me. 

"So you up for a sleepover at my place Friday?" I heard Drew ask, and they all nodded.

"Uh, hey guys." I said shyly. "Huh- Oh, hey Hailey." Jake smiled. 

I looked over to the other three boys, and was expecting an insult. But instead Drew piped up and said, "Hey, uh, we're sorry. About.. well, everything." He apologized. My eyes widened. I was expecting something like "Hey music freak. How's the freak show coming along?" Or something.

"It's okay. Thanks." 

Drew nodded, and Jake smiled. "Hey Hailey, would it be okay if they stop by during rehearsals?" He then asked. 

"Uh, sure, I don't see why not." 

At lunch.. 

Jake POV

Drew and I got lost into our conversation, and I almost forgot the time again. "Oh! I got to go to rehearsals. Do you guys wanna come?" I asked. 

"Yeah sure. It's about time you showed us those pipes." Henry smirked.  

As we walked to the music room, I told them about everyone. They already knew everyone in the club, but they didn't know their personalities, mainly because they only ever saw them either sad or mad.

"Then there's Milly. As you know, she's probably the craziest in the club, and wont hesitate to fight someone. And finally, Sean. He's like the big bro of the group, and makes the music for everything." I explained. 

Just as we arrived at the door, I turned to the three of them and my smile turned to a serious frown. "Listen.. We've been bullying them the whole time we've been at this school, so they're not going to trust you immediately. It even took them awhile to trust me. So, be careful with what you say and just.. well, be yourselves. Okay?"  

They all nodded, and I opened the door. 

"Hey Ja-.. WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE?!" Milly yelled, getting defensive. "Hey, hey, hey! It's alright! They just came by to watch." I said, putting my hands up. 

"I don't know about this, Jake. They've been going at us for two years." Zander huffed. 

"And so did I, yet I'm still a part of the club." 

Zander opened his mouth to speak, but he stayed silent. "Come on, let's give them a chance. If we were able to trust Jake, I'm sure we can trust them too." Luke smiled.

I turned my head to Drew, who had a worried smile on his face. I took his hand and squeezed it to tell him, 'Everything will be okay.' 

Hailey noticed this, and her face grew a bit darker, but she looked up with a smile quickly.

"Alright, well, everyone take your spot. We can pause working on the concert for one more day, but only for today, got it?" Hailey instructed. 

Hailey and Milly then got their guitars as Zander, Luke, and Sean took their places at their instruments, and I stood behind the microphone.

Sean pressed down on the mousepad of his computer, and the music started up. 


Word count: 1011

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