~Chapter 21~

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Jake POV

Later that night..

Drew and I sat on my bed playing Uno and listening to music. It was about 11:30 when my mom called up saying, "Boys! Last I checked it wasn't Friday! Get to bed!" 

"Fine!" I groaned. Drew giggled at my stubbornness and started picking up the cards. "And I was so close to winning." I cried. 

Once everything was picked up and cleaned, I turned to Drew and asked, "Do you need something to sleep in?" 

"Oh, uh, if It's no trouble."

"Nah, you're fine! I'm sure I can find ya something."

I searched through my closet, and eventually found a light grey T-shirt along with darker grey shorts. "These work?" I asked. 


Drew took the clothes and ran into my closet to change. I quickly slipped into my own sleep outfit while he did so. 

"It's a little big, but I like it." Drew said, exiting the closet. I felt my face heat up. GAH! Why does he have to be so adorable?! I thought, blushing. 

"W-Well, let's get to bed before my mom yells at us again!" I stuttered. Drew giggled at me, and sat down on my bed to lay down. I laid down next to him and lifted the blanket over us before feeling him quickly cling onto me. 

"Mind if I..?-" Drew started.

"Not at all," I smiled.

30 minutes later, 12:00 am

Drew had fallen asleep by now, but I was still wide awake. My mind was overflowing with thoughts. I started to feel a sharp pain in my stomach, but I ignored it as always.

30 more minutes later, 12:30 am

My stomach pangs started getting worse and worse. It felt as if someone was stabbing me.. But, I continued to ignore it and try to sleep. 

But it's not that easy to sleep when you feel like you're dying.

1 am

I felt myself tearing up by now. I reached over to my nightstand to my notebook. I had to see what my calorie count was. 

1,137? What's the average for kids my age again? It's here somewhere.. 

I started flipping through the pages with one arm, since Drew held my other arm captive. Eventually I found it. 2,800? Hm.. I think I'll be fi- AH 

My thoughts got cut off by another hunger pang. I couldn't take it anymore. I slowly moved Drew's arm away from me so I could sit up and I hug my stomach. I felt tears well up in my eyes from the unbearable pain. 

Drew must've awoke at me moving him, because I heard a soft, "Jake..?" Come from behind me. "Are you okay..?"

I looked to the worried boy and sighed, "I don't know."

"What's wrong?" Drew sat up and placed a hand on my shoulder. I sighed again. I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore.. 

"Listen, Drew, I.. uh.. ever since I joined you guys, I always felt.. imperfect. Like, I didn't fit in. So, I started trying to find ways to fit in. I pierced my ears, cut my hair, picked on the music club, even though I didn't want to. Eventually, I started counting my calories. I wanted to be absolutely perfect, and, I felt like my body was the most imperfect thing about me.." I explained, tearing up a bit. 

"And so, I began lowering how much I ate. I scanned all over google and cans and boxes to find how many calories I was eating per day. After some time, I started eating less and less, until I finally came to a few bites per day.. It did take a toll on me.. In both a good and bad way. The bad way was that I get these 'hunger pangs' every now and then. It hurts like hell, but it's worth it. I've also noticed that I've been shaking a lot, and I've been really cold recently, which is why I'm always wearing my jacket.."

Drew stared at me in complete and utter shock. 

"But hey! Look! I'm way thinner, now!" I said happily, lifting up my shirt. 

"Jake.." Drew sighed. "Jake you're perfect just the way you are! You don't need to put yourself through pain just so people will like you."

"That's what you think! Who knows what others think! If they ever saw one stitch of fat on me, they'd through me in the trash and I'll be right back where I started!"

"Jake! Do you hear yourself?! You don't need to do this!"

"Yes I do!"

"NO! You DON'T! Jake you are beautiful just the way you are. You don't need to put yourself through pain to be perfect, because you already are."

"You're just saying that to make me stop.."

"No, I'm not. I would never lie about that. Please don't do this anymore.. You could end up starving yourself and dying! I don't want to loose you again!"

A few tears dripped off of Drew's face, as did mine. I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't say anything. I just sat in silence, defeated. 

"Please..?" Drew pleaded.

"I.. It's not as easy as that.. I can't just stop."

"I'll help you. We all will. Just please try..?"

I sighed. I knew it was a bad idea to tell him.. 

"Fine.." I muttered. "Thank you!" Drew cheered, pulling me into a hug. 

"We'll start first thing tomorrow, okay?"



Word Count: 904

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