~Chapter 23~

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Drew POV

I woke up early that morning, around 5, so Jake was still sleeping. I reached over to grab my phone, swiping up to reach messages. I texted Henry and Liam individually. 


wake up"

"yes ur majesty? 🙄"

"tell yourself henry and the music club to meet me attt likee i think.. 1230?"

"but thats when there rehearsals are?"

"ik dumbass
just tell them to meet up there"

"alr alr no need to be a douche 🥱"

I rolled my eyes at the messages, and turned my attention to the sleeping boy who held my left arm captive. I brushed my fingers through his hair and placed a small kiss on his forehead. Jake's eyes then slowly fluttered opened and a smile tugged at his lips when he saw me. "Morning, Jakey," I smiled. Jake blushed at the nickname and said, "Morning," before shoving his face in a pillow. I laughed.

I then slipped my arm away from his grasp, standing up and stretching. I threw on some clothes and walked out of the door to get breakfast. Jake followed after me slowly.

After I ate a couple pieces of toast and Jake nibbled a bit on one, we were out of the door, hand in hand. Today was Friday so we were planning on having a hangout with Henry and Liam after school. It's been a couple of days since our last get together as just the four of us, so I was excited.

As we entered the school ground Jake and I saw none other then the two dorks themselves. "Yo, Drake!" Henry called out as the two of them ran up to us. Jake and I tilted our heads in confusion. "Wha-" Jake asked, confused. 

"Well, instead of wasting our breath on saying 'Jake and Drew', we merged your names together to get Drake." Henry replied. "Like a ship name."

Jake and I blushed vigorously at his last comment. 

"Say, Drew, what's up with the text you shot me this morning?" Liam piped up. I quickly covered his mouth. "Shh!"

Jake and Henry looked at us in confusion. I smiled awkwardly, taking Liam by the arm, tugging him over to the bushes, leaving Jake and Henry confused.

"Okay, the texts I sent you were about something I want to talk to you, Henry, and the music club about later. Got it?" 

"Uh, okay? But why can't Jake come along too?"

"Because he doesn't exactly want anyone knowing, but it's really serious, so.. yeah."

"'Kay.. But why 12:30? That's when their rehearsals are." 

"I know that! It's the only reasonable time I can leave Jake alone without him being confused or without me feeling bad about it. He'll stand up to leave for rehearsals, then after he leaves you, Henry and I go to the garden to meet the music club. It'll be quick."

Liam stood there, still confuzzled. "You lost me-"

I slapped my hand against my forehead. 

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