~Chapter 4~

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Drew POV

The whole day I was stuck with these idiots. I just wanted to leave. Then again, I guess it is better that I don't. I would have a massive temptation to lay down in the road and wait to be run over. 

Jake was holding my arm the whole night. At first it was annoying, because his grip was so strong, then I eventually got used to it. 

I started to nod off at about midnight, and laid down. This forced Jake to also lay down, otherwise he'd be stuck with his arm behind his back. Henry and Liam seemed to already be asleep, but Jake was wide awake.

"Jake?" I said. "Hm?" He hummed. "Are you tired?" I asked. He shook his head. 

"I normally fall asleep around one or two in the morning." He said, and I tilted my head. "You don't get much sleep then, do you?" I said in slight concern. "Not really. But, I'm used to it by now. Normally on weekends I sleep until nine or ten, so I'm good." He smiled at me.

I closed my eyes and tried to get comfortable, and soon enough I fell asleep.

Jake POV

'Looks like Drew fell asleep.' I thought. I blushed as I watched him. 'He's so peaceful.. What if I.. No. That'd be weird.' I thought, as I stared at the sleeping Drew. 

'Ah, screw it. I'll just prey I wake up first.' I slipped my jacket off so I could be comfortable, and slowly moved myself closer to Drew. I placed a hand on his hip, I blushed as I felt the heat of his body on me. I closed my eyes and slipped off to sleep.

Drew POV

I woke up to feel someone wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and saw that Jake's arm was around my body. I blushed at the realization. He seemed to be sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake him. 

I decided that if I can't get out of this, then I'll have to live with it. I turned my head as much as I could to check the time. 

'3am? I suppose I could sleep for a bit longer.' I thought to myself. 

I turned back to Jake, and, for the first time, thought he looked.. Cute? '..Am I going crazy..?' I thought. I shook it off, and decided to..

Jake POV

'Uhg.. What time is it..?' I thought, but before I could check the time, I felt my face grow hotter as I realized what was happening. Drew was laying across me, his arm reaching around me in a hug, as his leg laid on mine, and my arm was wrapped around him. 

'I.. Drew.. We.. ARE WE CUDDLING-?!' I yelled in my head. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I tried my best not to move a muscle, for I wanted to stay like this forever, but of course, Henry and Liam happened. 

"Ohh Good morning you two." Henry smirked. I rolled my eyes, and felt Drew slowly wake up. "Eh..?" He groaned. "Wh-why am I.. are you.."

"Good morning, Drew." I said, tensed up and as red as a crayon. "G-good morning, Jake." Drew replied, exactly the same. I liked this feeling, but, I didn't think Drew did. 

He was straighter than a pencil, I was surprised he was so calm. As much as I didn't want to, I slipped away from him and stood up, and he did the same. 

"So, uh, what's for breakfast?" I said awkwardly. "I'll find something." Drew said awkwardly too, and left the room.

Henry and Liam both gave me a look and said, "You like him, don't you?" in unison. I blushed and turned away. "N-no!" I yelled. "Mhm." Liam smirked. "You owe me 50." He said, turning to Henry.

Drew POV

What was that? He was.. Hugging me? No, we were hugging each other. I don't even remember putting my arm around him. I mean, I remember waking up at like 4 am, but I don't remember what I did. 

I wouldn't do that, would I? I'm dating Zoey. I would never. Speaking of Zoey, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I don't remember picking it up, so I must've slept with it in there.

I swiped it out of my pocket and looked at my notifications. I tapped on the recent message from Zoey.

Zoey 💕

"hey drewy beaaarrrrr 💖💖💖"

"Hey babe 😘"

"Whatchu doiiinnngg??"

"Bout to make breakfast for me jake henry and liam"

"Huh?? What are they doing there"

"They came over to check on me i was kinda out of it last night"

"Ohh nooooo 🥺🥺🥺🥺

I hope you feel better nowww 🥺🥺🥺"

"Yeah i do thankfully

Anyway i better get back to making breakfast"

"Okkkk bai sugarcuuuuube 💕💕💕💕💕"

"Bye babe 💞"

I smiled as I laid the phone down. I looked around the kitchen for something they could eat, when I got another message. 'Huh? Who's that?' I thought to myself, as I picked up the phone again. 'Unknown number? This should be fun.' I rolled my eyes and opened the message.


"Uh hi?"

"Today, at your school, go to the garden behind the school during lunch. Look under the cherry tree. There will be a surprise waiting for you."

"Who are you?"

"You'll find out. :)"

I stared at the last message. "Guys! This isn't funny!" I called up the stairs. "What isn't funny?" Henry called back. "One of you texting me with an unknown number?" I replied. "We never did that." Liam stated. I looked back at the messages, and zoned out into my thoughts. 


Word count: 914

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