~Chapter 31~

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No one's POV

The blonde haired boy awoke once more with his magenta haired partner in his arms. He turned his hazel eyes to the clock beside him for the time; 6:47. It was the day he had been dreading all throughout the day before. He had to go face Zander's wrath alone. His mind flooded with possibilities of what the day would bring. He hated to think about what could happen to his mind. Jake began shaking, fearing what was ahead of him.

Drew awoke softly at the movement, his eyes fluttering open to see his boyfriend looking stressed. Drew laid a hand on Jake's cheek saying, "What's wrong, babe?" softly. Jake put his hand on top of Drew's and leaned into his touch. "I'm just.. Afraid. I'm still on edge about Zander," Jake replied with a sigh. "It'll be okay, Jake. I know it. Just talk to Henry and Liam about it, I'm sure they can help in my place." Drew said softly. Jake nodded as he slowly pulled himself off of the bed, his feet landing on the floor. The blonde boy rubbed his face before standing up and grabbing a new pair of clothes to wear. He then walked into his closet to change as Drew stood to his feet as well.

Jake exited the closet after changing to see Drew standing up and stretching. "No, no, no. You lay back down, Mister. You're still sick, remember?" Jake ordered, putting a hand on his hip. "You're my boyfriend, not my Mom," Drew groaned. "Don't care. Sit," Jake ordered once more. Drew sighed and did as he was told. "You go back to sleep, it's way early for you," Jake explained, walking to the door. "I'm going to eat breakfast and head to school. I'll see you later, babe." Jake waved to his boyfriend and exited the room, shuffling down the stairs.

"Morning," Jake waved to his mother. "Good morning, hon," She smiled. "Here's some breakfast. Eat what you can then head out." Jake nodded and did his best to choke down some of the food. After about 6 bites, he bid farewell to his mother and walked out of the door. He strolled down the sidewalk, taking in the warm air. It was spring now, and school was going to be over in just 5 months. Jake was already thinking about what he was going to do this summer. Hopefully he'll be cured from anorexia in time. The last thing he'd want is to spend a summer full of starving himself.

Finally, the familiar campus grounds appeared in front of the blonde boy as he stepped onto the school grounds. He saw a flash of green waving at him in the distance as he walked towards it. "Morning, Jake! Where's Drew?" Henry asked, looking behind Jake; expecting their tanned friend to appear out of nowhere. "He's sick so he's not coming to school," Jake explained. "He should be back by tomorrow, though." The two nodded.



And that's it. Unfortunately I lost motivation to keep this story going. I really enjoyed writing it for the time that it was running, but, I've said this before and ill say it again, after chapter 10 it just got really stretched out. After chapter 10 the story just plunges into a never ending hell show that's not only cheesy but also unrealistic. I had fun writing this, but I think it's time it comes to a close. I am sorry if I disappointed you, but as rosy would say, quality > quantity. This is certainly a new feeling for me but, as the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. 

Thank you for all the love and support given to me for this project. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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