~Chapter 5~

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Drew POV

"Drew!" I heard behind me. I was so zoned out I didn't hear my 'parents' calling my name.

"Oh, morning Dad! Morning Judy!" I smiled at them. "Morning." My Step-Mom rolled her eyes, and walked into the kitchen. 

"Uh, so, Jake, Henry and Liam stayed over last night." I said, trying to start a conversation. "I was a little out of it, so they came over to help." "That's nice, Drew." My Dad replied. "Uh.. yeah." I said, looking away. "Toast." My Step-Mom said.


"Make me some toast, and some scrambled eggs."

I looked at her, and slowly nodded, and went to make her request. 

Jake POV

I was currently hiding my face in a pillow while blushing immensely and sitting on the floor, while Henry and Liam danced around me singing, "Jake and Drew, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in a golden carriage!" Over and over again. 

"You guys are five." I mumbled through the pillow. "And you're a simp." Henry responded.

Over their singing, I felt my stomach rumble. Normally I would ignore it, but I don't want to worry them again and ruin the mood, so I just stood up and said, "I'm hungry. Why don't we see what Drew's making?" I asked. 

Henry and Liam agreed, and followed me downstairs. I almost got lost in the huge mansion-like house, but managed to find the kitchen, where Drew was cooking, and his parents were sitting and staring at their phones.

"Oh, hey Mr. and Mrs. Williams." I smiled. They didn't say anything. Doubt they even heard me. I shrugged and walked over to Drew who seemed to be cooking a gourmet meal. "Hey, Drew, we don't need all of this." I laughed. "Yeah, but they do." Drew said, eyeing his parents.

"Wait, you make food for your parents?" I asked. "Of course I do. They're too laz- I mean. Busy with work to make it for themselves." Drew said, rolling his eyes. "Here, let me help you with that." I said, grabbing the pan Drew was holding. "Uh, thank you." He said, and went over to put butter on some toast. 

After we finished, we placed the food in front of his parents, and took our own for us and Henry and Liam.

After we ate, we rushed to school. We didn't notice the time and were almost late, but we made it just on time. 

Drew POV

As we all walked through the halls I kept staring at the text. I was still trying to figure out who texted me. "Whatcha doing?" Henry said, peeking over my shoulder. "Nothing." I said, quickly putting my phone in my pocket. "Uh huh." He said, rolling his eyes, and turning back to Liam to continue their conversation. 

I turned my attention to Jake who seemed to be holding his stomach again. "Jake?" I asked. "Gah!" He jumped, quickly moving his hand from his stomach. I tilted my head and stared at Jake. "Don't mind me." He said randomly. I nodded slowly, and turned my attention back to walking.

'Jake has been acting odd lately.' I thought. 'Almost all the time I see him gripping his stomach, and I almost never even see him eat. I hope he's okay..' My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell. I suppose I'll have to find out whats wrong with Jake another time.

After class, we headed to lunch. At this moment I remembered that the person wanted me to meet them now, by the cherry tree. Well, not meet them. I think. I walked over to my friends, but immediately said, "Someone wants to meet with me today, so I'm going to have to go." They nodded, as they understood, and I walked off. 

With every step I started worrying more and more. 'Could this just be a random person, or is it someone from school? Maybe I should've asked if someone could've come with me.. No, I'll be fine.' I thought. 'I hope..'

As I stepped outside I looked around for someone who could be sneaky. I pulled out my phone. 'The cherry tree. Where..' I thought to myself as I looked around for the pink tree. 'Oh, there it is.' I walked up to the tree thinking to see someone, and I did. But one of them I recognized.

I walked closer as the details became more clear. In front of me were two people under the cherry tree. One of which was a tall male, and the other.. was Zoey. I watched as he placed his hand on her hip and pulled her in for a kiss. She didn't push him away. She gave into it. She.. looked happy.

I felt a lump in my throat as I watched. My eyes watered up, and I felt warm tears fall down my cheeks. My world seemed to fade to black and white, and I felt as if my heart was ripped out. 

"ZOEY!" I screamed. "D-Drew?!" She said in fear, turning around. 

"What.. What is this?" 

"D-Drew.. it's not what it looks like!"

"Sure! What is it then?!" 

Zoey opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She looked to the ground, defeated. "Drew.. the truth is.. I only started dating you because I wanted popularity. I knew how popular you were, and I thought if I dated you then I could be popular too!" She explained. "But.. I never truly had feelings for you. So I started looking for someone I actually loved. And.. I found him! I'm sorry you had to find out this way.." 

"So.. you.. never loved me? All this time.. It was just fake?" I felt as if my heart was just ripped from my chest. I love her, more then words could describe! Sure, I wasn't the best at showing it, but I still did. "I'm sorry." Zoey said. 

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for believing your lies. I'm sorry for giving you every dollar I ever touched. I'm sorry for caring for you. And I'm sorry for being in your life." I cried. "Goodbye Zoey.." 

I turned around and walked away. I felt too hurt to continue the school day, so I went home. I texted Jake that I was headed home early because I didn't feel too well. I hoped he would understand.

Jake POV

I felt my phone vibrate as I was talking to Henry and Liam. 'Drew? Wonder what he's texting me for.' I thought.


"Hey Jake."

"hey Drew whatsup?"

"I'm going home early today."


"I don't feel to well."

"like, sick, or sad? bc your using periods and actual grammar"

"Sad, but, I'll be fine tomorrow."


stay safe"

I placed my phone back in my pocket and looked up to Henry and Liam. "Who was that?" Liam asked. "Drew, he said he was headed home early because he wasn't feeling his best." I explained. "I think I have a feeling I know what it's about though."

"What?" Henry asked. "Remember when I told you about Zoey's sugar daddy?" I asked, and both of them nodded. "Yeah, well, I have a feeling it's about that." 

About a month ago at the mall, I remember seeing Zoey with someone else. They were talking about 'sugar daddies' so I assumed he was hers. She had her arm around his shoulder, and was kissing his lips every now and then. He looked about a year older than her, so the chances of him going to our school was possible. 


Word count: 1185

A/N: This is gonna be a super short story, because I'm waayy too lazy to write another 30 chapter story

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