~Chapter 25~

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Jake POV

"H-Hailey! I need to explain that story! I came here as fast as I can!" I huffed. "What of it?! You said all you needed to say!" Zander bellowed. 

 "If you didn't care for us that much, you could've told us!" 

"Zander, it's not like that-" 

"Jake.. I trusted you.. Why would you go and say that?!" Milly cried."Guys, let's let Jake explain," Sean piped up. "I carried him to the nurse's office, I doubt he'd be able to do something like that in such a short amount of time." 

The pressure of all the angry eyeballs lying on me, got to my head and I felt my eyes well up with tears, as my heart cracked. 

"Th-The story, it wasn't me! Zoey snatched my phone and posted that! I would never-" I explained, getting cut off by a very angry Zander. 

"Sure it was! Just blame everything on Zoey!" 

"I'm telling the truth!"

"Jake.. I never saw Zoey by the nurse's office," Sean said, sadly. My eyes widened. "G-Guys! You gotta believe me here!"

"No, Jake. You've said all you needed to say!" Hailey screamed. "Y'know.. I actually trusted you. I thought you would never pull something like this.. What the hell clicked in your head to think that's okay!?"

"It's that damn boyfriend of his," Zander piped up, trying to ignore Luke behind him. "Drew tainted Jake," 

"Don't bring him into this!" I yelled, stepping closer to Zander. "I told you, I didn't do this!"

"Jake.." Hailey said lowly, keeping her gaze to the ground.

"Hailey. Please, you have to believe me! I would never do something like-" I stopped talking after feeling Hailey's hand quickly come across my face. "I DON'T CARE! GET OUT OF THE BAND, GET OUT OF THE CLUB ROOM, AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" She screamed, tears running down her cheeks.

Something in me broke when she said that. Time seemed to come to a stop. Everyone in the room was mad at me. Even Luke, and he's not one to hold grudges. My eyes watered as a few tears slipped from my eyes, landing on the ground. 

"B-But.. I-" 

"Jake. I think it's best you leave now," Luke growled. 

Finally, I slowly turned around to leave. Once I shut the door behind me, I bolted into the closet washroom, collapsing onto the floor in tears. The music club were my friends, and I loved them. To think because of one little story on Instagram made them kick me out hurt even more. How much did they really trust me? 

I must have been crying really loudly, because I was able to alert some people in the hallway. I heard them talking about me. 

"Is that that Jake kid?"

"Why is he crying?"

"Yeah, doesn't he have it, like, perfect?"

"Maybe we should get his boyfriend?"

"Ha, no. He'll live. C'mon, let's go."

The conversation between the two students hurt me more then you'd think. People think I'm perfect? I guess that's what I get for being popular. 

Narrator POV

As the two students walked together, the female noticed a pink haired boy in the hallway. He was leaning against a locker with two other students, staring at his phone. A smile crept up on her face. "Look, he's right there! C'mon, please?" She begged the other student. 

"Uhg. Fine," He grumbled. "Make it quick."

The female shot down the hallway to the three boys calling, "Drew! Excuse me, Drew!"

"Uh, yes?"

"I heard your boyfriend crying in the bath-"

Before she could finish Drew was already bolting down the hallway. 


Drew quickly came upon the washroom, entering it's cold aura. "Jake? You in here-?" He asked softly, looking for the peach boy.

A quiet sniffle alerted Drew of where he was. Looking in front of him, he saw the boy sitting on the floor hugging his knees, his face buried into them. 

Drew walked over, sitting down next to him. "What happened..?" 

"H-Hailey.. Sh-She.. Sh-She.."

"What did she do..?"

"She kicked me out of the club!" Jake cried, throwing himself onto Drew, burying his face in Drew's shoulder. 

Drew's heart broke seeing how broken he was, and the fact that the music club caused it hurt him more. He slowly moved his hand to rub circles on Jake's back, comforting him. 

"It's okay.. Why did she kick you out?"

"Because.. F**king Zoey posted something on my story on Instagram, and they believed it,"

"Of course.. Hey, look at me."

Drew pulled away from the hug, lifting Jake's chin up to look at him. "Hailey kicking you out? That's her loss. She clearly doesn't know how to trust someone who she didn't meet when she was younger. And, she just automatically lost the competition for the club. They stand no chance without your beautiful voice,"

"B-But.. Hailey can-"

"Yes, Hailey can sing, but you are far better. Trust me. By the time the competition is coming around they'll be begging for you to come back."

A smile tugged at Jake's lips after hearing Drew's words. He pulled Drew back into another hug. "Thank you.."

A light bulb must have turned on somewhere, because an amazing idea popped into Jake's mind. "Wait! What if I performed at the competition against the music club?" He exclaimed, pulling away from the hug. 

"I mean, if you want, then yeah, go ahead. Don't know what you'll do for music though."

"I saw a guitar at your place once. Do you know how to play?"

Drew's eyes widened. "W-Well, I uh- Kinda."


"When I was younger, my mother taught me how to play it. But after she passed, my father didn't allow me to play it because he didn't want a, quote on quote, 'Freak son.'" Drew's eyes dimmed as he explained. "I haven't played in 9 years, I doubt I'm any good-"

"It's worth a shot! And even if you can't you can always try singing. It's so easy and fun!"

"I-I don't know about that.. I've never really sung, so, yeah.."

Jake gave Drew a rare smile and said, "I'm sure your amazing!"

Just before Drew could doubt himself again, the bell rang. The two laughed and ran off to their class.


Word count: 1006

A/N: Creds to my friend amy for the first 4 paragraphs lmao

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