~Chapter 20~

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Narrator POV

The two boys sat in silence processing the newfound information. We're.. home alone..? Together..? With NO ONE ELSE AROUND?! Drew thought. He felt his face heat up at the thought. 

"S-So.. you.. wanna watch a movie?" Jake coughed up, breaking the silence. 

"Uh, sure," Drew agreed, snapping out of his unholy thoughts. 

 Jake searched for a movie they could watch, and eventually picked out one. "How's this one?" Jake asked. Drew looked at the cover and smiled. "Yeah! I like that one," He answered. 

 Jake pressed a button on the blu-ray player, and placed the disk in the now open tray. He then pressed the button again and sat down on the couch, patting the space next to him, telling Drew to sit down. The magenta haired boy agreed to do so, and sat down next to his peach haired partner.

After about 15 minutes, Jake laid down to get more comfortable. Drew looked at him, then silently murmured something. "What was that?" Jake asked. "Uh.. Would you mind if I.. Uh.. L-Laid on you..?" Drew stuttered, looking away. 

Jake blushed at the shorter boy's comment, but smiled and said, "Nope, I don't mind at all!"

Drew admired Jake's smile for a split second thinking, God, why is he so cute..? 

He then snapped out of his thoughts once more, and slowly laid down on Jake's chest. Jake then placed both his hands on Drew's back, holding him closer. 

By the time the credits of the movie were rolling, both boys had fallen asleep, both clung on tight to one another. 

Jake's mother then burst through the door. "Jake! I'm hom-" She stopped herself seeing the two lovers, sleeping and cuddling on the couch. "Ohh, I see what happened." She smirked. At least everything is okay now. She then clicked off the TV and went into the kitchen to make some food for them.


Drew awoke to the soft touch of Jake wrapped around him once more. He lifted his head up, placing a kiss on Jake's lips to wake him, then buried his face in said boy's chest. 

Jake slowly slid his eyes opened and smiled at the shorter boy. "Morning." He mumbled, placing a kiss on Drew's forehead. "Morning.." Drew tiredly mumbled back. The peach haired boy then ruffled the other's hair. 

"Well, I see you two must've had a rough day." We heard.

Our attention turned to my mother standing in the kitchen with a smirk on her face. "It's almost 5 and you just woke up." She pointed out. 

Drew quickly picked himself off me out of embarrassment, to my disliking. "Aw, don't be embarrassed! I was the same way when I was younger." My mother giggled. "Oh! Forgot to say, but I made you lovebirds some food if you don't mind."

Jake's stomach tied in a knot the moment she said food. He couldn't stand that word, but had to submit to it, or else people would know. He sighed and was about to ask if he could eat in his room, but he forgot Drew was there. 

Drew was the last person he wanted to know about this.

Jake gulped and quickly muttered out, "U-Uh, thanks mom." Jake didn't want to be rude and turn down the offer, and he didn't know Drew's opinion. 

The two boys walked over to the kitchen table, Jake pulling out a chair for his partner. "You're such a simp." Drew giggled. "That's my job," Jake giggled back.

Jake's mother placed two plates full of food in front of them. "Eat up! I'm going to go take a shower, so be on your best behavior." Jake's mom winked, and the two boys turned red. "MOM!" Jake screamed, and his mom ran off laughing.

After she left, Drew started eating. Jake swallowed the rock in his throat and picked up the fork, just barely nibbling on the food. Drew stared at him. "Jake..?" The shorter boy asked. "Why aren't you eating?"

"What do you mean? I am!"

"You're nibbling on it. I wouldn't count that as eating. Actually, I don't think I've really ever seen you eat in the past month or two. Is something wrong?"

Jake felt a pit grow in his stomach, as his eyes switched from Drew's nearly empty plate and his entirely full plate. 

"No, everything is okay, I'm just.. not that hungry."


"Uh.. Yeah-"

"Jake, I told you you're bad at hiding things, I know you're lying."

"No, I'm not! I would never."

"Then what's the matter?!"


Jake stopped himself. He thought about what his was about to say. He took a deep breath and very calmly said, "Nothing is the matter. I'll be fine, I promise."

"You'll be fine?!" Drew yelled. "Jake, I'm worried about you! What is wrong?!"


"Jake, calm down. Just tell me. Please?"

"I.. I-.. I.."

Jake couldn't bring himself to say it. 

"I'll be right back." 

Jake ran off into the bathroom. Drew stared at the empty seat in front of him, face darkening. "Is it that bad..?" He thought out loud.

Jake slammed the door shut, leaning onto the sink. He felt a few tears drip down his face. Dammit.. Why.. Why am I like this!? He thought.

Jake looked up to the mirror in front of him. He stood up straight, turned to the side and lifted his shirt to see his stomach. Placing a hand on his stomach, he sighed. Still not perfect. He thought, and lowered his shirt.

Jake blinked back a few tears growing and took this time to remember that Drew was still alone out in the kitchen. He then flung the door open and asked, "Hey Drew! Wanna play monopoly?" 

"Are we just going to forget what happened?" Drew questioned. 

"Well, I'd like to, yeah." 

"Fine.. But I want an explanation soon!"

"How soon?"

"Either tomorrow or the next day."

Jake sighed. He really didn't want Drew to know. He wouldn't want to hurt him like that. But, he guessed he was hurting him more by hiding it. It was inevitable really. As long as they were together, Drew would've found out one way or another. But..

Would he still love me..?


Word count: 1012

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