~Chapter 8~

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Jake POV

Drew soon slipped away from me, as I wiped my nose with my jacket sleeve. "Thank you.." I sniffled. "Of course, Jake." Drew smiled. "We should probably get going." I said, standing up but Drew stayed still.

"I'm going to stay here a little longer. But don't worry about me. I promise I'll text you when I'm home."

I was hesitant at first, but I decided to agree to it. "Okay. Just promise me you'll actually show up to school tomorrow?" I asked. Drew looked to the ground, but looked back up to me. 

"Sure, I promise."

"Thank you."

I turned away and walked back home.

The whole way I couldn't stop thinking about what Drew said. 'He didn't mind music this whole time? Then why did he pick on the music club..?' I thought. 'I mean, I did too but I did it because they did.'

When I walked into my house my Mom was on the floor again. "Hey Mom." I sighed. "Mom..?"

Normally she would answer at least. I walked over to her. She was just on the floor. Her eyes were open, but she wasn't moving. I felt my stomach sink. "MOM!" I screamed, collapsing onto the floor, and quickly grabbed her wrist to feel her pulse. 

She was still alive.

I sighed in relief, and dialed 911. 

"Hello, this is 911. What is your emergency?" Said a lady on the phone.

"Hi, hello, uh, my mother is laying on the floor in our kitchen. She has a pulse, but I don't know why she's like this.. I'm worried, can you help?" 

"Okay, sir. Take deep breathes and calm down, what's you and your mother's names?" 

"My name is Jake Sterling, and my mother's name is Jeannine Sterling." 

"Okay, Jake. Stay calm, now tell me your address and we'll be right on the way."

I looked at my unconscious mother, and told the lady over the phone our address.

Drew POV

As I walked down the street I saw an ambulance drive down the road in the direction of Jake's street. I didn't think much of it until I saw it turn to his street. I knew that the only three houses on that street were Jake's, a kid from our school, and an empty lot, so I knew something was up.

I ran down the sidewalk as fast as I could, and eventually came up on the house. I saw the ambulance parked outside Jake's house.

I walked over and knocked on the door. Jake came up to answer, "Drew!" He smiled.

"Hey Jake, what's going on?" I asked. 

"My mom was lying in the kitchen, so I called a doctor to help. I didn't think they were going to bring a whole ambulance with them." He turned to the doctor investigating Jake's unconscious mother.

He stood up and turned to Jake and I. "Well, good news, she's not in grave danger." The doctor said, and Jake let out a sigh of relief. "But, she is malnourished. It seems she hasn't been eating in about a week."

Jake's soul seemed to leave his body, and I could feel the coldness wash over him. "Wh.. what..?" Jake asked in disbelief. 

Jake POV

I felt as if my heart was ripped from my beating chest. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I never thought I'd see the day when my own mother would lie to me. I should've seen the signs. 

I wanted to punch myself. I should've eaten with her at the table, then I would've known. God I'm such an idiot! I'm a horrible son!

Drew noticed this and put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. At least she's alright." He smiled.

I looked at the shorter boy and smiled, wiping my tears. "You're right." 

We both looked back at the doctor. And he was smiling, but you could tell it was fake. "She'll be fine. All I suggest is making sure she eats, and make sure she has healthy foods for at least a week. No junk food." He ordered. 

"Got it, thank you, so much."

"You are very welcome, son." The doctor said leaving, and ruffling my hair as if he knew me. I didn't know why, but I didn't really care. 

I turned my attention to the time. "Oh, it's 10 already? You better get home. Want me to walk you?" 

Drew nodded slowly. "Uh, sure thing." 

As we exited my house, Drew seemed a bit unsteady. "Something bothering you?" I asked. "No, why?" He replied simply. "No reason."

The whole walk was quiet. I wanted to bring something up for a conversation, but I couldn't think of anything. 

As we approached Drew's house he seemed more unsteady and scared. "Drew..?" I said, and seemed to have snapped him out of a trance. "You okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Now, I'm going to head inside. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight!" I waved. "I love you.." I mumbled the last bit quiet enough for only me to hear, but I still said it. Now to just say it right to his face for once.

Drew POV

As I entered my house I went to the kitchen to find my parents. I hadn't been home all day. You'd think they'd be worried, but they were just sitting there. On their phones. Making business calls. 

"I'm home." I growled. "That's nice honey." My Mom said. I growled and stomped off to my room. They never acted like they cared. I doubt they even do. It makes me wonder.

What if I threw myself off the roof? 

Or what if they entered my room to see my limp body hanging from the ceiling? 

Or stabbed to death with one of our kitchen knives? 

Would they mourn me? 

Or would they just bury my body in vain?


Word count: 968

A/N: Sorry for getting so depressing at the end there, but this is a depressing story so aha :,D

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