~Chapter 9~

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Jake POV

All night I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was my mom. Was she okay? Why would she lie to me? Why would she even do this? I suppose I can't talk though. I sort of do it as well, but why would she do it?

These questions danced around in my mind like a stage play all night. Finally, I sat up at about 1am to find my mom and ask her. When I went downstairs I saw her on the couch, drinking.

"Mom..?" I said lightly, walking down the stairs. "Oh.. Hey, Jake.." She said. 

She was drunk. 

I walked over to her and slowly took the bottle away from her. "Mom, it's one in the morning. No drinking." 

"Awe, come oooonnn. Just a few more- ..sips.." She whined. 

"No. Now come on, let's get you to bed."

"No thank you, mister. I can get myself to- bed." My mom said, standing up, but immediately fell down. "Mom!" I called. 

"I'm- A-Okay!" 

I quickly kneeled down and helped her up. I wrapped on of her arms around my shoulder, and held her by the waist, bringing her to her bed.

"Come on, mom. It's time for you to go to bed." 

As we approached her bed, I laid her down on it. "Good night." I said, pulling the blanket over her, and giving her a hug. 

"Go-od night, sweet heart." 

I exited the room and went back upstairs. I'll ask her the questions another time, I suppose.

I laid down and soon felt my phone vibrate. 'Great, another thing to keep me from sleeping.' I grabbed my phone and turned the screen on. 'Hailey? Why is she texting me?'

I double tapped on the notification and saw her message. 

Hailey 🎼

"Hey, Jake. I know it's really late right now, and you're probably fast asleep, but I was just wondering if you were okay. Youve been acting sort of off lately, yknow, holding youre stomach, supposedly being kicked, and tripped?"

I stared at the message. 

Hailey 🎼

"yea im fine hailey dw"

"Alright then, if you say so

well, goodnight, Jake"

I laid the phone back down and closed my eyes to fall asleep, which I finally did.

The next day

I woke up to the sound of my alarm yelling in my ears. I quickly shut it off and buried my face in my pillow for a few seconds before standing up.

I changed out of my sleepwear, and into my regular clothes. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, where I saw my mom making breakfast. "Hey, Mom." I smiled. 

"Good morning, Honey." She smiled back, placing a plate of toast infront of me. I quickly ate the two pieces of bread, and ran over to the door. "Bye Mom! Love you!" I called before leaving. 

I ran to school, excited to see if Drew would be there. And, with no doubt he was. I saw him talking to Liam and Henry, who seemed to be interrogating him. 

"Hey Drew!" I smiled. "Hey Jake." Drew said, turning to me. 

"How are you feeling?" 

Drew looked contemplative, and at this moment I noticed bags under his eyes. "Hey, are you-"

"Yes. I'm fine." 

He turned away, and I knew right away. He wasn't fine. "Drew. What's wrong?" 

He didn't answer. "Don't bother, Jake. We've been trying to get him to talk this whole time." Liam sighed.

Drew looked to the ground, and ignored our words. I decided to try to talk to him during lunch. Then I could get him alone. I blushed a little at the thought of being alone with him.

Soon enough, the bell rang, and we all headed to our classes.

During lunch, I sat down next to Drew and placed a hand on his. He's been staring at his food the whole time, and hasn't even touched it. 

"Hey, Drew? You feeling alright?" I ask in a soft tone. He averts his glance from his food and stares at me, in this brief moment I notice slight tear trails under his tired eyes. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." He says, slipping his hand away from mine. 

I place my hand on his shoulder. "Come with me." I say before standing up. 

"I want to talk to you." 

Drew hesitates, but finally decides to come with me. We exit the cafeteria, leaving Henry and Liam to themselves. 

"So, what's wrong? You've been quiet all day, and you look like you barely even slept last night." I say in concern for my friend. He looks to the ground. 

"It's.. Zoey.." Drew mumbles lowly. "What about her..?" I ask. I had a feeling it had to do with her.

"She.." Drew tries to speak, but nothing comes out. Instead, he jumps onto me, burying his face in my chest as tears fall from his eyes. 

"I saw h-her with someone e-else.." Drew sobs. 

I place my hands on his back and return his hug. I try to hide my blush from feeling his body on mine. "We've been telling you this.." I said softly. I wasn't wrong. Liam, Henry, and I have known about Zoey's sugar daddy, and have been trying to tell Drew, but he never believed us. 

But now he finally sees the truth. "I.. I didn't know you were telling the truth! I thought you were just joking around!" Drew cried, tightening his grip on me. I slowly rub his back to comfort him. 

"She didn't deserve you anyway. You're too good for her. You deserve better then that.. That whore. Excuse my language.." I say, quickly regretting what I said.

"D-Don't call her that.. Sh-she's better then that.." Drew cried, trying to ignore the truth. 

"Drew.. You know it's true.. As much as it may hurt.." Drew pushed me away, 

"NO! I WON'T EXCEPT IT!" He yelled, running off. 

"DREW WAIT!" I called, running after him. 


Word count: 979

A/N: :)

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