Chp 1/ New Kid In 2-A

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Bakugo POV. 

The marble laid parking space shone as I walked down to the black semi-limo. My bodyguard hurried in front of me and opened the car door for me to go in. 

I see the black leather seats and feel the warmth of the insides as I come up to the door. "Thank you, Wakusei." I say as I sit down in the long seat.

"There's no problem Mr. Bakugo. And we've known each other for forever, you can just call me Tsukikage." He said as he closed the door. 

Once he was in the front seat, behind the steering wheel I said. "Ok then, but there is no need to be formal, call me Katsuki. And Tsukikage is to long, I'll call you something shorter." I could feel the uncomfortable fabric of my suit scratch my neck.

I tried to ignore it, but ended up closing the little window between the back and front seat, so I could change clothing. 

I opened my bag and took out a tank top, a hoodie and some sweat pants. I changed fast and laid the suit in the now empty bag carefully. I pressed the button with an arrow on it and the black, sooty window went down.

Me and my bodyguard were pretty good friends, he's been taken care of me and protected me ever since I was 5.

I sigh and took my phone out to see the time. It read 8.45 am. I opened up the device and texted my father back. 

Old Man:

Hey Katsuki. Have a nice first day at school! And please don't destroy or threaten anyone, if you break anything you have to pay up your self.


Yeah, yeah, whatever. 

"We're here Mr. Ba- Katsuki." Tsukikage said as he parked the car in front of the gated high school. I chuckled and got out as he opened the door for me. The sun shone in my eyes, I looked up at the building. 

I'll go to my locker first, then class 2-A is next stop. "Thanks Kage. See you later." I said as I looked over my shoulder and walked away. "Bye!" 

I got to my locker and laid my bag inside. I had already gotten some looks and groups were whispering while looking at me. Indicating they were talking about me.

I glare at them, most jump in surprise and look away. I slam my locker shut and head to the class room. 

I walk past many different doors and walk up the stairs to the floor for the second years. As I walk in I see the people of my class. "Ew.. People." I whisper to myself as I look at them.

Out of all these people I can at least get to know one... And not hate them. 

Their heads turns to me, I stand there with a scowl on my face, staring back. My eyes wondered over them all, but stopped at a group of people in the back. 

They seem cool, maybe one of th- "You must be the new student. I'm your homeroom teacher for this year and the next. Can you please go stand at the front of the classroom. You'll soon be able to sit down." Someone behind me interrupted my thoughts, startling me. 

I played it off like nothing and went to the front. I saw a man in a yellow sleeping bag, making small jumps over to the chair behind the desk. 

"Ok. Everyone get to your seats and be quiet." He said in a tired voice. It was dead quiet as they hurried to their seats. 

I'm confused. Why is my teacher a homeless man? I watched him crawl out of the cocoon. 

"This is Prince Bakugo. He is the new student that'll be joining us. He was intentionally going to be here last year as he did pass the entrance exam, but couldn't come due to a last minute decision. Now, Prince Bakugo, why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" He said. I cringed and rolled my eyes as he used my title.

Whispering could be heard going around the room immediately. 

I sighed and started. "Well, as you know I'm Prince Bakugo and my quirk is explosions. Firstly no, I won't buy you stuff just cause we know each other, I know at least one of you thought of that. Secondly, don't ask what the last minute decision was, it's none of your business. And thirdly, you don't need to use my title every time. Just call me Bakugo. 

And just so you know, just cause I'm a prince doesn't mean I'm super nice and polite all the time. I can be an ass if I want to... And I am most of the time." I said as I looked over the people whispering, I saw some of them shrug and I smirked. 

"Now, where is my seat?" I said with a hurried tone, I didn't want to get asked any questions. 

"Uhm... In from of Midoriya." He said in a voice of hesitation. A green haired boy nervously raised his hand and waved at me. 

I shrugged and walked slowly to the seat, dropping my bag on the floor and sat down. The class looked surprised and scared at the same time. 

The teacher got their attention and started the class. Though, I still had the feeling of someone staring at me the whole time. 

(Hey! I'm back with a new book!  

Baku's bodyguard : Tsukikage Wakusei. His name means 'Moonlight Planet' and his quirk is Moonlight. He can summon super bright moonlight right from the moon's surface and use it just as he wishes. He can turn it into an hard substance and make shapes out of it. All from a wall so weapons. It'll mostly look like glass when it's hard. When it isn't rock solid it's just a very bright light. 

He thinks of Bakugo as his own son, since the only family he has left is his little sister and dog. He would protect Baku with his life and never let anyone hurt him. 

1024 Words

> Cloud)

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