Chp 14/ The Big, So Called, Gala

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**The two kept talking, changing the topic to something else. Once Bakugo was done they sat down at his sofa and cuddled up, watching a short movie.**

Third POV.

Masaru walked though the big hallways, heading to his son's room. He nocked on the door three times before he walked in, not waiting for the 'Come in!'.

When he walked in he was met with the sight of his son and a random guy sitting on a couch cuddling... and may I add... kissing.

Who is that guy!? And what is he doing with my son!? Masaru thought to himself. The two boys broke apart, to look at the king.

Contrary to his thought, the kings face was one of awkwardness. Bakugo chose to break the silence. "Uhm, Dad. This is my date for tonight's-" He was cut off. "Boyfriend actually." Todoroki corrected.

Bakugo blushed and looked away. "He goes in my class. Please don't tell the Hag about this. She's only going to yell at me." Baku told his dad.

Masaru thought for a moment, looking from his son to Todoroki and back. He sighed, knowing his son hated being yelled at.

"It's ok Katsuki, I won't tell her. So are you going to tell me your Boyfriend's name?" Masaru reassured his son, then asked. "Oops. Well dad, this is Shoto Todoroki. And Shoto this is my Dad, The King, Masaru Bakugo. As you may know." He introduced them to each other.

They greeted the other with a hand shake. Suddenly Masaru got a serious look on. "You have to convince me that you're worthy of my sons love, before anything. And if Mitsuki ever find out about this... Let's just say, she's a demon. And if you ever hurt Katsuki. You will feel the wrath of the royal family." Maseru threatens.

The two boys stood there with wide eyes. He looks like such a sweet guy. How can he be so threatening!? Todoroki thought. "I could never hurt Katsuki. Ever. And I promise you I love him with all my heart." He said, convincing Bakugo's father.

Bakugo had never heard such things coming out of his fathers mouth before. He couldn't process, when he suddenly became so scary and protective.

But when Todoroki started talking, he was dragged out of his little bubble. He hadn't noticed before now that they started using the others first name. Since his boyfriend didn't seem to say anything about it, he deemed they were in first name basis. Hell, they were together, of course they could use each other's first name.

They just stood there for a few minutes not saying anything. Then Bakugo remembered. "Uhm, why did you come here again?" He asked his dad.

The king's face switched to a happy one, as he looked at his son. "Oh, yeah. I came to tell you that almost everyone has arrived and you have to be present. And the girl we invited is here too, with her plus one. A friend." He informed the blond.

Bakugo knew who he was talking about. Has it seriously been two hours already? He thought. "Yeah, ok. We should get going then." He turned to his date. His dad nodded. "What's her name again?" Katsuki scratched the back of his head.

"The one in the yellow dress, the girl we invited, is Melene. The girl in the blue dress, her plus one, is Tia."


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