Chp 2/ Chaos In Class

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**The teacher got their attention and started the class. Though, I still had the feeling of someone staring at me the whole time.**

Third POV.

The rest of the day went by fast. They got the last hour off, to get to know the new student. Bakugo wasn't very happy with that.

He just wanted to be alone and no one to disturb him. 

At this point the teacher was back in the yellow bag and fast asleep. The class surrounded Bakugo and throwed questions around, as if they fought for the last doughnut.  

All Bakugo wished, was for Wakusei to come pick him up and drive him of a cliff. 

In the hurl of people he heard someone ask. "What was the last minute decision?" And his head whipped to where he heard it come from. He glared at the people, as they shut up out of fright. 

He slowly stood up, still glaring at the crowd. They sweat dropped and backed away. "Who said that?" He said in a low and dark voice. 

Everyone took a step back and Mineta came out in front of them. He looked behind him and tried escaping to the back again, but his classmates kept him in place as they stood tall.

Like they were making a wall between death and life, and he was trapped on death's side.

As he looked back at Bakugo, he had a smile on his face, witch freaked him and the class out. It wasn't a maniacally smile, but a nice, calm and understanding one. 

He crouched down to his level and looked right into his eyes. He laid a hand on his shoulder, in an understanding manner. Mineta sighed as he thought he wasn't going to face death today. 

Bakugo stared at him with his crimson, blank eyes. It looked like he was in a trance, like he was looking right through him. 

"When I said. 'Don't ask what the last minute decision was.' ... It wasn't a .... 'Oh, now I have to ask.' kind of thing." He said as his head tilted to the side, still looking through him, like a doll's head. 

".. No... I meant it as a fucking warning. A warning for any of you fuckers who wanted to know... That if you ask that, nothing good will come out of it." His head tilted to the other side. A maniacally smile spread across his features. 

At this moment time had stopped, but for them it felt like an eternity. Kirishima got a bad feeling as Bakugo's face turned dark and looked at the floor.

He slowly got behind Bakugo, laying a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. 

Mineta suddenly felt a burning sensation on his shoulder. Thinking it was melting. Bakugo looked back up fast and yelled. "AND IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!!" He launched towards Mineta, with explotions going off in his palms. 

Iida and Kirishima reacted fast. Kirishima took his arms around his torso and activated his quirk, not letting him move. Iida had grabbed Mineta, retracted him away from the raging prince and his wrath. 


After some minutes Bakugo had calmed down again and the class was in the common room. Processing the last events as they sat in groups. Mina and Kirishima had convinced Bakugo sit with them and watch a movie. 

Mina sat on a neon pink beanbag, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero sat on the sofa. Bakugo sat on a large dark orange beanbag on the left side of the sofa. 

Kirishima looked beside him, down at Bakugo as he was on his phone. He tried looking at what he was doing when he saw him aggressively punch the screen with his thumbs. 

He reached over to him and tapped his shoulder, getting his attention after a last little punch. 

"What are you doing? Don't you like the movie?" He said, Bakugo rolled his eyes. 

Todoroki POV. 

I can not believe that the hottest guy I have ever seen... Is going to be in the same class as me. When he walked into the classroom and looked at us, I could not stop staring at him. I know it isn't very nice but I still haven't taken my eyes of him yet.

We had all moved into the common room and sat with our friend groups. Bakugo with Kirishima and his friends. 

Uraraka kept asking questions to Midoriya about Bakugo.

Their mothers apparently went to the same high school and became best friends, stuck together ever since then, but haven't talked together for a while. 

I zoned out their conversation, my eyes wandered over Bakugo's features again, admiring every part of it. He's kinda cute when he's angry. I thought and looked over to Mineta as he sat in a corner, still recovering from his near death experience. 

What's wrong with him to be honest? Why would he ask that right after he said not to? Even Mina and Kaminari knew not to anger him, and they ask every kind of dumb questions at the worst times. So that says something. But I do wonder about the same thing. Why couldn't he come last year? What happened? I did notice that behind his blank stare, was a sad face. His eyes held tears in them, not daring to fall down. But still there. 

I watched him on his phone, I could see he was texting someone. Couldn't see the contact name though, I could only see his fingers glide fast over the keyboard. Wow... He types incredibly fast... I bet he could beet Mina in a contest. 

Kirishima leaned over the sofa and looked at his screen. He looked up at his face and reached out his arm, tapping his shoulder. I can't hear what they're saying. I frowned when Bakugo sighed and got up from his chair. 

He walked over to the front door of the dormitory, getting his jacket. "Where are you going? We aren't allowed to exit the dorms the first week." Kirishima said once he got up.  

I sat pretty near the exit so I could hear and see everything that happened. I was already facing the door so I kept looking at them. 

Bakugo rolled his eyes and ignored him. He turned around, looking at his wristwatch and taking the door handle to the big see-through glass door. "Im heading out." He said walking out, not letting Kirishima or anyone say more. 

People around that was watching this play out was now standing in the hallway, watching him walk down the pavement to the gates. He stopped outside the gate and looked to the side. 

A white limo stopped in front of him and a guy came out. He walked over to Bakugo and opened the back door.

They stood there looking at each other, I guessed they were talking. The driver looked to us as Bakugo got in. 

He closed the door and slowly, still looking at us, walked back to his seat. He whipped his head around after just sitting in the seat still looking at us. He nodded his head and closed the door. 

The car disappeared as it drove out of the cul de sac and turned left. We stood there looking at where the car vanished. "Should we-... Should we tell Aizawa that he left? ... Or?" Tsu said, bringing a finger to her chin. 

"No... What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him." I said, turning around and walked to the kitchen. "Yeah, and don't worry. That was his bodyguard. He won't let anything happen to him. He'll be back tomorrow." Midoriya said as he walked up to me. 

"And how do you know that?" I asked trying to keep my monotone voice. He smirked at me, like he knew something I didn't. "I ... Just know." 

(So.... What do we think so far? And if you wondered, the seating in the classroom is the exact same as it was in the first year.

1339 Words 

> Cloud)

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