Chp 13/ Car Ride Cuddles

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**They took out some snacks and sat down on the floor. Bakugo was still a little bugged by Kirishima's sudden change in behavior.**

-Time skip to the little gala thing-

Third POV.

Bakugo walked to Todoroki's dorm, and nocked. This was the day of the gala and their little date. They were supposed to meet Wakusei outside of the school, so he could drive them there. 

The gala didn't really start in about four hours. But the boys had to be there, at least, two hours before anything. The extra time was for the guests that lived longer away, so they had good time to arrive. 

The maids and servants also needed to get everything ready, every little detail. 

Right now, it was time for the two boys to leave, as Bakugo's bodyguard was outside. Todoroki heard the knock on his door and opened it fast. There he stood, in a nice dark blue/black suit. 

Bakugo smirked at the sight and pulled him closer. "You look sexy." He said and kissed him. Todoroki smiled and looked the blond up and down. "Why aren't you wearing a suit? Are you going to wear that?" He asked confused. 

Bakugo was in an oversized orange hoodie, with grey sweatpants and combat shoes. He looked down at him self. He got an idea and looked up with big eyes and a sad expression. "Why? Don't I look nice? I'm sorry." He said, fake tears gathering in his eyes. 

A wave of panick went over Todoroki. "No! No! No! That's not what I meant! You look very nice, But you said that this was a formal party. Those clothes aren't really formal." He said with a soft face and hugged the other. 

Bakugo smiled and let out a laugh. "I was just joking, don't worry. And I am going to wear a suit at the party. I do have some suits with me here, but the one I have to wear tonight are home. It's kinda a uniform." He said back, still laughing lightly. 

Todoroki looked at him with confusion and realization. He nodded and told him that he looked forward to see him in a royal uniform. 

They walked down to the doors and said bye to the few people in the commons. Once they opened the doors, Mocha ran off to the side and did her little busyness. As the two walked towards the car, Todoroki suddenly grabbed Bakugo's hand and held on to it. Baku's heart skipped a beat and he blushed. 

When they approached the car, Wakusei came jumping out of the drivers seat. He was looking like a real bodyguard as he stood there eyeing Todoroki with his arms over his chest. 

Usually Wakusei used normal clothes when he was out with Bakugo, to not get so much attention and make people suspicious. I mean it is kind of sus to walk around, with a big man in a suit walking behind you. 

As he eyes Todoroki he noticed the two holding hands. Bakugo jumped over to him and introduced them to each other. "Kage, This is my date for tonight Shoto Todoroki. Todoroki, This is my bodyguard Tsukikage Wakusei." He smiled.

Bakugo looked at Wakusei. He is acting way more serious, he is usually more chill. Why so tense?He thought. "Uhm.. Why don't we get heading to the gala? Hm?" I said guiding Todoroki into the car. Mocha jumping in before they sat down. 

Wakusei started the car and drove off. They sat there in silence for a while. This is going to be a long ride. They all thought. 

After some minutes of nothing but the sound of cars passing by, Todoroki broke the silence. Bakugo closed the window between them and the driver, so they could have some privacy. 

"Hey. I have a question." He said. "Yeah, go on. I'm all ears." Bakugo said back and he scooted closer. "Well I know we said we were together and all, but we haven't really been on any dates. Before now of course. We did say that we were boyfriends, but like are we official? like can I call you my boyfriend?" He said, trying his best to word his thoughts. 

"I've been thinking about the same thing. I think it's okay to call me your boyfriends. I don't really know if we are official, I have never dated anyone before. But would you want to keep it a secret, or tell the class?" He said with a soft wondering look. 

Todoroki was actually surprised that the prince had never dated anyone, but glad that he was his first boyfriend. It brought a smile to his face. 

"Well I don't think we can keep if a secret for so long, most of them already know or have suspicions. I think we can tell them, and I think that would make us official." He shifted in his seat, and brought Bakugo in for a kiss. 

He kissed back smiling into it. They broke the kiss and hugged. They cuddled for the rest of the ride, sitting close. Todoroki had his arm around Bakugo, as he had his arms around Todoroki and his one leg leaning over Todo's. 

They talked about each other and stuff they did when they were bored as kids. They both had a pretty fucked up childhood. 

Suddenly the limo stopped and Wakusei came out, opening the door for them. They all walked out, Bakugo saying goodbye to Mocha, as she was going to get fixed and cleaned too. She was going in another way.  

Bakugo ran up to Todoroki and took his hand in his own. The pair walked up a long stairwell and once they got to the top, the door was a couple of steps away. Bakugo stopped and turned to his date. "Uhm. I forgot to tell you, but the girl my mother set me up with, if I wouldn't have asked anyone. She is going to be here." He explained. 

"That's fine, she isn't going to be here right now though?" Todoroki asked. "No, she isn't coming before later. When the rest of the people has arrived, then she'll be here." He started walking again. "Do you know her name?" Todoroki asked curious. 

"Uhm.. I'm not sure, but she isn't from Japan at all though. From somewhere in Europe." He said. "Oh. So she doesn't speak Japanese either?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "Nope. We can speak English with her though." 

"Uhm. I'm not really good at speaking English." Todoroki said embarrassed. "What? How? Don't you get one of the highest grades in English, with Mic?" He was surprised. "Well yes, but that's only writing and all. I can say some words, like. 'Hi. My name is todoroki' and 'What is your name' etcetera. But I can't hold a full on convo with someone." He explained. 

"Oh, well that doesn't matter. I speak fluent, so I can talk with her and translate if you need it." Bakugo reassured.

The two walked through the big palace and to Bakugo's room. They got inside and Todoroki awed at the sight. Wow, his room is big! This could be almost as big as a stadium! How!?

(His room is quite big, but it's hard to explain the size. So I'll just say it's  a little bigger than Adrien Agreste's room... If you know who that is. If you do. Then Hey!!! I'm most likely going to make some MLB one-shots in the future!!!)

He snapped out of it when he heard Bakugo open the door to his walk-in closet. He disappeared into the room. "Is she coming here alone? That's a little sad, don't you think?" He asked as he headed over to the closet... Where Bakugo was half naked. 

He blushed, but was fast to answer the question. "She is coming with someone. I don't really know who it is, but I heard rumors it was her girlfriend, not sure. It could just be a good friend." 

The two kept talking, changing the topic to something else. Once Bakugo was done they sat down at his sofa and cuddled up, watching a short movie. 

(There was so many parts where I struggled to word my ideas of their convos. Lmao, I need help. 

1384 Words

> Cloud)

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