Chp 11/ Dinner And A Phone Call

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**I'll ask him tomorrow. to be real, its only 6 PM... we'll probably wake up for dinner later, I'll ask him then.**

Third POV.

There was a knock on Todoroki's door. The happy pounding woke up the two boys inside. The two startled awake, and Todoroki looked around, rubbing Bakugo's back. 

Bakugo closed his eyes again and Todoroki pushed him off softly. Bakugo opened one eye to see what was going on. 

The icyhot teen walked to the door and leaned on it, taking a deep breath. As he breathed out he opened it, only to be met with the sun. 

Fucking Deku. Bakugo thought. "Hi Todoroki-kun!! Do you want to come down? Dinner is ready soon." Bakugo grunted and Deku looked passed Todoroki. As his eyes fell on the other boy, his face morphed into a frown. "Oh... Hey Kacchan. What are you doing here? Are you also coming to dinner?" He said with a face and tone that indicated that he really didn't care, but he still didn't want anything to happen to the blond.

He cared about the stubborn boy, but when it came to his Todoroki-kun... 

Bakugo didn't really have an explanation of why he was here. He still hadn't woken up completely. "..Uhm.. I-" he got cut off. "After what happened in class earlier, we went up here. We did our homework together, since we missed all the classes. Then we watched a movie.. Must've fallen asleep or something." He lied. 

"Oh, ok." It didn't sound like he was ok with it though. "Well, are you coming down?" He focused on Todoroki again. "Sure. Just give me some minutes and I'll be down." He closed the door in his face, after the short boy waved and spared a glance to the tired blonde. 

Todo made eye contact with the boy in bed. Walking over to him, he bended down kissing the boys cheek. Bakugo sat up and run his fingers through Todorki's hair. They pulled closer and connected their lips for a soft kiss. 

When they parted the heterochromia eyed boy said, hesitation clear in his tone. "Do you want to go out sometime? ... Maybe.. be my boyfriend?" He broke eye contact when the last question was asked. 

Bakugo dragged him into a kiss. "Of course... I'll be your boyfriend, but only if you'll be mine too. We can go out this weekend." Todoroki chuckled at his statement. "Yeah, I'll be yours too. What do you want to on our date, my Prince?" He flirted.

Bakugo smirked and scrunched his nose. "I don't know. We'll figure it out later. We should go down now." He said and slipped out from the bed, his feminine traits flashing right in front of the others face. He walked out of the room, leaving behind a blushing icythot. 

Kaminari POV.

We all sat around the dining table, except Bakugo and Todoroki. Deku said he could go look for them and went up before we could say anything. I shrugged it off, but when he came down again with a frown and not saying anything I was confused. 

Not long after Bakugo came down, Todoroki following in seconds after. Baku looked overly happy. I smiled lightly, it turned into a smirk. "Why are you so happy about?" I asked smugly. 

To others, he looked like his 'normal' angry and grumpy self, but I could see how happy he was. I saw those skipping steps he took. I had my suspicions, but wanted to wait for him to say it himself. 

He looked at me and he turned red and grumpy again. "Fuck off, Pikachu!" he sat down and got his food. Hm.. He haven't called me that in a while... Should I be hurt? Cause I kinda am..? 

I was about to ask him where he was, but then his phone started ringing. He always texted people, so when someone suddenly called everyone went silent. 

People looked at him as he self-consciously took out his phone. He glared at them all before he looked at who it was, the look made them go back to what they were doing. I knew they were all listening.. or trying at least. 

Bakugo groaned as the name popped up. I couldn't see who it was. His thumb hovered over the accept button, it looked like he want mentally preparing for something. 

Fast he realized a deep breath, swiped up, took the phone to his ear and said. "What do you want?" In a grumpy voice. The next thing that happened solved a few questions, but added more to the pile too. 

"THAT IS NO WAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER!" A lady on the other side yelled, it seemed to have startled everyone at the table as they jumped. The two started to bicker. 

Did he accidentally put on speaker or something? That women is almost louder than him. I can understand she is his mother, but wow, loud people. I would need to prepare for that too. 

A very quiet, barely soundable, voice in the background. "Please calm down honey. Don't forget what you called him for." The next words was suddenly very quiet and turned into mumbling. He didn't say anything as he listened in, his face morphing from different emotions.

It went for annoyed, to angry, impatient, his face made a sarcastic 'of-course' look as he rolled his eyes. From that it looked like he got an idea but still annoyed. He nodded and hummed sometimes. 

Then he wrote something down on his phone, looking like a date and time. "No problem......Yes....Mhm...Sure...Yeah yeah, I get it. I'll be there two hours before. Later Hag." He finished annoyed. 

He sighed once he was sure the call had ended. Ignoring everyones stares, he started eating with me. I was half eating, half eavesdropping on the call, with the rest of the class. 

"Hey, Bakugo." Mineta broke the silence out of nowhere. Bakugo glared down at his food. "Your mom is really hot isn't she. I really wanna touch her boobs." Baku's expression fast changed into one of disgust. The question and statement made everyone uncomfortable. (I can't really explain it, but it felt SO wrong to write that. I literally cringed and got the chills.)

It was hard to tell what was going on inside Bakugo's head. He looked at Mineta slowly, confused and disgusted. 

Does that grape not know that his mom is married... AND THE QUEEN? Doesn't he know that if Bakugo wanted, witch I'm sure he wants, he could just get him expelled. I mean he does have the power to do it! 

Mineta is on the edge of being expelled anyways. It's still in debate, as he tilted back and forth between harassing people and not.

(I got an idea for the next chapter as I was writing this! Yaaaay! Wonder how the next chp will go, i'm not sure witch direction I'm going for. 

1162 Words

> Cloud)

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