Chp 17/ The Suffocating Hospital

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**I sniffed, but stayed silent, not knowing what to say and still not knowing what to do.**

Todoroki POV.

My alarm went off and I checked my devise for who it was. Before I could see anything I got a text.

As I read it I began to run, run faster then I probably ever have. I used my ice to gain speed.

I approached the dorms building and stopped for a second when I saw Kirishima crying, holding onto Katsuki.

I slowed down as I got to the two. Kat looked terrible, but underneath all the damage... He was still just as beautiful.

I bended down in front of him, looked at his head and saw blood seeping down. I saw his stomach. It looked like he was in pain.

"He is still breathing right?" I asked, afraid if the answer wasn't positive. I locked eyes with Kirishima, seeing all his worried on his face. "He is... he is breathing, but.." He stopped. 

He couldn't word his thoughts, I don't blame him, I couldn't either. I subconsciously reached for my phone and dialed 911. 

A women on the receiving said the classic. "This is 911. What's your emergency?" I put it on speaker and listed info about what happened. 

"Hello my name is Shoto Todoroki. I'm at UA High school at the moment, at class 2-B's dormitory. I'm with a friend and my boyfriend. I don't really know exactly what happened, but my boyfriend is unconscious and has some major injuries. He is breathing, my friend has checked. He has burn marks all over his chest, arms and some on his face. Blood Is dropping down from his head and has some deep cuts on his arms. And he has a meter long pole stabbed into his side." I listed. 

I heard her typing on a computer and she started talking again. "Ok he is breathing, that's good. Make sure that he keeps safe and neither move his head or the pole. An ambulance is on it's way right now. If blood is running down from his head, he may have some bigger head or neck injury too." She said. 

She kept talking to us through the time, before the ambulance arrived. Kirishima told her about everything that happened. Everything from when Aizawa came running to us. 

She also asked questions about us to keep us calm. She told us her name and some things about herself. Her name was Ayaka Hayami and her quirk was something about peoples inner color. I didn't pay much attention to her explaining. 

I could hear sirens in the distance. It had only been about 6 minutes and they were already here. 

After they stopped, they rolled out a bed and lifted him onto it with the help of a yellow thing. I walked into the back, to come with him to the hospital, but a man stopped me. "Sorry, are you family?" He asked fast. "No, he's my boyfriend." I said trying to sit down. 

He shoved me carefully out. "Sorry, only family is allowed to get a ride. You have to meet us there." And then closed the door. I could hear a thumb and the car drove off. 

I was so offended, Kirishima laid his hand on my shoulder. As the car was out of the way, I could see other students walking slowly over to each other helping one another. 

"Hey. Let's just help some of our friends, and tell them we'll be going to the hospital. So they know where we are, then leave." I sighed. I had a bad feeling deep into my stomach. I nodded and we jogged over to some of the girls as they seemed to halt a little. Some of the boys helping themselves and other as well. 

Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, Tsu, Denki, Shoji and Aoyama looked the worst. I helped Tsu as Kirishima ran to help Uraraka. Together we walked to out Recovery girls office, witch was surprisingly not touched at all. 

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