Chp 12/ Interesting News

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**Mineta is on the edge of being expelled anyways. It's still in debate, as he tilted back and forth between harassing people and not.**

Bakugo POV.

After the call with my mother and father and the dinner was done, I walked up to my dorm. They said that it was a gala coming up, this weekend. It was for my parents, as they own a clothing brand. 

They are always looking for more people to hire and to advertise for them. the only reason why I have to be there is because, I represent the family too. There is no King and Queen without the prince, we are the Bakugo family. 

There was one thing that was bugging me though. The Hag said I had to have a date with me. I had to either ask someone out, or go with a girls my parents thinks would fit me. 

I really didn't want to go with someone I didn't know, so I said I'd ask someone. Sadly the girls would still come. 

Wait I have a date with Todoroki this weekend... I have to go to the gala though, but I can't just cancel the date... Maybe I can ask him to come with me here as my date? ... I should talk to Denki first though . . . ugh I'll just ask him now!

As I walked to my dorm I saw Todoroki heading to his. "Hey! Half n' half!!" I yelled once he had unlocked his door.

I jogged up to him and pushed him into the room. I was closely behind him, locking the door behind me.

"Yeah?" He said with a monotone yet happy tone. "You know that date we were having this weekend?" His brows furrowed. "Were?" He repeated confused.

"Yeah.. Um, you know the phone call I had at dinner? Well yeah, as you probably knew, it was my parents. They said it was a party this weekend, and I have to attend to it... With a date.

The Hag said she would choose some girl to go with me, if I didn't ask someone else. I really don't want to go with a random girl, but I have to be there. I really don't want to cancel our date.

Soo.. Do you want to go there with me?" I asked fast. His eyes widened and he grinned. "Of course I will go with you. When is it?" He asked.

I smiled and chuckled. "It's this Saturday. We have to meet up with Wakusei two hours before people start to arrive though. I hope that's ok? There isn't really a reason why I have to be there so early so we can just chill in the meantime." I said as I gave him a hug.

"Sounds nice. Looking forward to it." He said into me ear, with a monotone voice. It was so calming to listen to him. He had one of those voices you could fall asleep to.

"Oh! And. It's a formal party so you have to wear something nice. Like a suit or something. I'm going to wear a traditional prince suit." I informed him, he nodded along with my words.

"I'll use a suit, I have one in my closet. I've never used it before. I hope it still fits." He laughed. I admired his laugh as I chuckled along.

"If it doesn't fit, I can borrow you one of mine." I said and broke away from the hug.

He nodded and kissed my cheeks. He went into the bathroom and I could hear the shower tap turning on. I blushed when he came out with no shirt on.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Do you want to join? Or do I see you later?" He smirked. I looked at him, prying my eyes wouldn't wander. I smirked and walked over to him, placing my hands around his neck.

I kissed him, still smirking. I leaned into his ear and whispered. "No thank you. I'll see you later Icythot." An evil smiled displayed on my face, as I walked out the door.

When I couldn't see the door anymore, I started running towards Denki's dorm. I nocked on his door and waited. There was only silence. Where is he? If he isn't in his room...

I walked to the elevator and pushed the bottom for 2-B's floor. I was meet with Shinsou as the doors opened. "Is Denki with you?" I asked. "No, he isn't." He said tired. "Have you seen him?" I said again. "No." He went into the little metal box and pushed the botton. 

The numbers on top changed as the door closed. I sighed and went down the stairs instead, down to our common room. 

When I got to the bottom I jumped down the last stairs. I paused taking I deep breath. I ran into the commons and saw Denki with Mina and Kiri. 

I jogged up to him and yanked his arm towards me. "Hey! What is it? Where have you been?" He asked, the others listening to us talk. "I was with Todoroki, in his dorm. I asked him to be my date to the gala coming up this weekend. And he said yes!" I told exited. 

Third POV.

He told Denki about what happened with Todoroki. As for Mina and Kirishima, they stood and listened into the new found information. 

Mina was full on fangirling over them, as Bakugo told them about his little crush. He never talked with Todo about being public, so he just kept out that detail. 

Suddenly Kirishima let out a choked sob and ran out of the room. Running up to his dorm, Mina following him up the stairs.

The others looked at them confused. They shrugged it off and talked about something else.

They took out some snacks and sat down on the floor. Bakugo was still a little bugged by Kirishima's sudden change in behavior.

(I'm not sure if I like the last bit of this chp, but whatever. 

1005 Words

> Cloud)

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