Chp 4/ Kaminari And Bakugo

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**His conversation with Mina left him questioning everything about him self.**

-Time skip.... 3 months later-

Third POV.

The class had spent several months with the prince. Not to mention, they were shocked when he came back the next day, after he left in the white semi-limo.

(Flash back)

The class was starting to gather in the common room. They were making breakfast, just sitting there on their phones and talking.

Momo was walking down the hallway to the common room from walking down the stairs. She looked out at the bright daylight coming in from the huge glass. Some students was outside in the school park.

She looked down to the gate as the heavy doors opened. A car drove up the driveway and stopped where the toffee colored stairs started.

The very familiar bodyguard walked out and went to the other door. Momo jogged to the commons and informed the others that Bakugo was here. "Hey guys. Bakugo's car just rolled up." She said and walked back to see the young prince.

The rest of the class rushed up to the doors to see Bakugo saying goodbye to his bodyguard. Deku frowned as he noted the slight sad expression Bakugo wore.

Bakugo said bye to Wakusei and gave him a last hug. "You won't be driving me to school, but that doesn't mean there won't be other places to go to." Bakugo said as he smiled and reached into the car.

He already had his bag on his shoulder, the class wondered.

Bakugo crouched down beside the car door as a black dog jumped out. He smiled at the dog and cuddeled it as he brought it into a hug. The dog barked and whimpered and Bakugo's smile vanished again.

He stood back up and gave the leash to Wakusei. He lead the dog into the car and drove off.

Bakugo turned, looking at the class with an emotionless face.

He rolled his eyes and walked up to the doors. Walking passed the confusion filled expressions.

The class stood there looking at him before they went back to doing they're own thing. Kirishima, Mina, Denki and Sero went after Bakugo.

He walked into the kitchen, Kirishima coming up behind him. "Hey, was that your dog? What's his name? What kind of dog is he?" He said as he pointed to the doors.

Bakugo looked at him without turning his head. "Yeah. That was my dog, and her name isn't your business. So shut up, Shittyhair." He said back as he walked away annoyed.

Mina jumped after him. The others right behind. "What kind of dog is she?" She asked carefully. Bakugo kept looking forward while walking to the dorms.

"She's a Cane Corso. She's a guard dog, very protective, ..and she's a support and service animal." He whispered the last part, hoping none of them heard. But someone heard him, to his dismay.

"Huh? What was that last part?" Kirishima said as he slouched his arm over him.

"Nothing." He looked down to the grown.

"Well guys we should get ready for class! Come now!" Mina said, taking Sero and kirishima by their arms, dragging them with her.

Kaminari continued following Bakugo untill he stopped infront of his door. "I know it's none of my business, but I heard you said that your dog was a support animal... I just wanted to say that the school do allow students to have pets for some purposes. So if you just tell Aizawa about your dog, you can have her here. For instance, Koda has a bunny."

Bakugo didn't say anything, just staring at his door and the floor.

"And don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I'm not that kind of person. I know how it is to get separated from one of your best friends. I'll..Uhm.. Leave you alone now. Bye!" He said and skipped back.

Bakugo was left with his thoughts as he got inside his dorm, grabbing his stuff.

If I can have her here, then I have to text Wakusei. So he can drive her here. But.. Did Pikachu have a support animal? Maybe he isn't as dumb as he seems.

(Flash back over)

Two days later Wakusei drove up to the school with Bakugo's dog in the back seat.

The class meet her gradually and they asked many questions. Questions Bakugo didn't want to answer, as they were too personal.

Bakugo hang out more with Kaminari, they apparently had many things in common.

The classmates were all just chilling in the common room. Everyone with their squads.

Although someone wasn't paying much attention to what his gang was babling about. He was busy staring at a hot headed prince. Kind of glaring at one of his friends too.

Kaminari and Bakugo was sitting close together on a big beanbag. Mocha was laying in between them, both petting her, while on their phones.

(The dog's name is Mocha Bella. It's quite long so Bakugo usually uses only Mocha, and new people call her Bella. Though his friends, specially Kaminari, calls her Mocha.)

Kaminari POV.

I was on my phone, looking through Instagram. Mocha was laying on my and Bakugo's laps. Her head on Bakugo. I kept scrolling through old memes.

I'm glad Bakugo got to have his dog here. Ever since that convo, his been nicer to me too. His actually a preaty chill dude. But I'm kinda bored. We should do something.

I went to Google and searched for things to do.

I clicked on the first link to a webside and scrolled through. Some options seemed too expensive and other seemed boring. But my curiosity cought onto one of them.

Yeah! That'd be perfect. Super fun.

I looked up at Bakugo and nudged his arm. He cocked his head. "What is it?" He said as he turned off his phone, deleting every window first.

"What do you say we go to the Arcade? We can take the whole class too. They pay for their own stuff though. Hmm, do you wanna go!?" I said exited. He looked at me confused.

He cleared his tone and whispered, like he was unsure if he should ask or like he was embarrassed. "...What is an Arcade?" ...

. . .

"WHAT!?!?!" I yelled as I jumped up, looking at him like he was a mad man.

(Lol this chapter was funny to write.

1070 Words

> Cloud)

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