Chp 8/ Mineta... Is A Bitch

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⚠️TW anxiety attack ⚠️

**"I just wish they were here." Was his last words before his eyes fell heavy.**

-Time skip... Two weeks later-

Bakugo POV.

It's been two weeks since the day I cried myself to sleep. The day after that, I woke up tired and with dry eyes. People kept asking if I was alright.

I hated it.

Today woke up to my alarm and took a shower. I had a bad feeling. I sat down on my bed after changing clothes and looked at Mocha.

She was sitting infront of me, with her vest on, ready to go. I admired her for a minute, before I stood up and walked out the door. We walked down to the common room and I made myself some breakfast.

I sat down at a table and sighed eating the bowl of food.

When I got into the classroom I saw people talking. Once I was seated Kaminari, Sero, Mina and kirishima came over to me.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Kami asked. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just tired." I said back.

"Okay." I tuned out the rest of their conversation and looked around.

Third POV.

At the far back of the class, where Mineta was sitting. (I'm sorry for cursing 😔) He stared at his phone. Every once in awhile he looked up, staring at Bakugo. He typed something into his phone.

His eyes widened and he drooled, like the perv he was. Standing out of his chair, he walked over to Bakugo.

He wasn't really on good foot with Bakugo, but he was willing to take this risk. He also wanted to anger the Prince a little.

"Hey... Bakugo." He said as he raised an eyebrow, trying to look intimidating. He just looked creepy.

"What." He said back harsh. The others stopped their talking, listening to the new convo beside them.

"I heard you have a sister... Can you introduce me to her? She's really cute." At the end he showed a picture, drooling over it, making a wired face.

Bakugo's eyes widened and sadness filled them. Mocha barked making everyone jump. She had been here for a long time, but none of them had ever heard her bark.

Deku walked in as Mineta showed the picture. He tuned in. "Yeah! How is Katsumi? And is Matsuke still around?" He said with a smile on his face. Mocha barked again as Bakugo sat there with a sad frown.

"Her name is Katsumi!? Wow." Mineta said. "Her name is none of you business, and get your filthy thoughts off of my little sister." Bakugo said with anger in his voice. He grabbed the grapes phone and throwed it out of the window.

Mineta's eyes widened.

The rest of the class walked in and everyone fell quiet. Todoroki were concerned over the situation he just walked into.

"Hey are you ok?" Kaminari said carefully. Tears filled Bakugo's eyes as he
walked over to Deku.

Bakugo wasn't sure if he wanted to tell him. Deku didn't know... but he deserved to know.

Bakugo whispered into Deku's ear. His eyes widened in shock and wrapped his arms around the blond. The class expected Mocha to bark, but she didn't, she just sat beside Baku's leg.

The class looked at Deku confused. He waved them away and took his friend out of the room to talk.

"I really don't want to talk about it, ok? And I don't want the others to know right now." Bakugo said as he sat down against a wall. He petted Mocha.

Deku nodded and left him alone to calm down in the hallway. Deku walked inside the classroom again and yelled at the perverted grape.

As for Todoroki, he was still trying to figure out what to do. "I'll talk to him." Kaminari said, heading for the door. Whatever the blond was about to do, wasn't Todoroki fine with it. Bakugo alone with Kami, no way.

He stepped in front of the electric teen. "No. Let me talk to him." He said in a monotone tone. Kami shrugged and let him try.

Todo nodded to him as a thanks, and walked out. As he closed the door behind him, he was meet with the sight of an empty hallway. He must've gone somewhere. Where could he be? Maybe the dorms? No.... The bathroom! I'll go there first.

He jogged to the boys bathroom. There was usually no one there, so it was a perfect hiding spot.

He came upon the door and slowed his speed. He couldn't hear anything, but was that a good or bad thing? He opened the door and closed the door fast. There sat Bakugo, on the floor, beside the sinks.

It looked like he was having a anxiety attack. Hyperventilating.

Todoroki was fast to get into action. He slowly made his way beside Bakugo. Mocha growled, but stopped when she understood what he was doing.

"Hey Bakugo? Can you do something for me? I want you to tell me five things you can hear, four things you can see, three things you can smell, two things you can feel and one thing you can taste." Todoroki said in his most calming voice he could demeanor.

(Sorry, but I'm not sure if that's the right order, but whatever.)

"Can you do that for me?" He said, as Bakugo tried to talk. He ended up nodding and leaning his head on Todoroki chest.

"I-I can hear y-your heart beat a-and your v-voice, t-the air conditioner, Mocha's b-breathing and the noises from out-outside." Baku stuttered out. Todo nodded. "Ok. Four things you can see?" Bakugo opened his tears eyes.

Looking around he started. "The s-sinks, ba-bathroom stalls, the f-floor t-tiles and your h-hands. I can smell parfumé, s-soap a-and cologne. I-I can feel your clothes a-and Mochas fur." Torodoki smiled and nodded.

He had started to rub Bakugo's back and hand as he continued.

"Nice. And one thing you can taste?" He asked. He was once again calm and breathed out. "Metal." Todoroki knew what he meant and hugged him.

Bakugo slowly hugged back as he petted Mocha.

They sat there hugging, just being in each other's presence. Todoroki wanted to ask about what happened, but hesitated. Should he really ask him about what the attack was about, right after he just calmed down?

Fuck it. I'll ask, but if anything happens I'll drop it.

Bakugo opened his closed eyes as Todoroki asked. "Hey. You don't have to answer, but do you want to talk about it? It's okay if you don't want to." He reassured.

Bakugo sat up, took a deep breath, calming down and started explaining.

(Don't be sad Bakugo 🥺 Be prepared for the next chapter, it's going to be really sad... Sorry. And! I just wanted to tell that it's the 18th of May in the story.

1164 Words

> Cloud)

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