Chp 16/ "KIRISHIMA!!"

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**I changed direction on sight, running after what seemed like... A burnt guy?**

Todoroki POV. 

I jumped out of my seat, running out with all the others. I could see fire and I knew I should head over there. 

Some of my friends ran towards some buildings, I couldn't see Katsuki anymore. I was worried, but I had to take care of the fire. I was the only one in the class with a somewhat water quirk, or at least a quirk that can extinguish fire. 

I knew he was capable of taking care of himself, but I would still like to know where he is. I ran to the burning part of the school, some people following right behind me. Uraraka, Tsuyu and Iida. 

Once we got there, we were face to face with Toga and Twice. They launched at us and we got on the defensive, as they attacked. 

Toga ran at Uraraka with a knife, and I pushed her out of the way. The knife went through my arm and I let out a hurt grunt. 

Iida punched her and were suddenly on offensive. The others joining him. I situated myself In fighting pose and we started hammering the villains. 

"Uraraka! Get me up there!" I yelled at her, pointing to the fire on the top floor. She nodded and ran to me, as soon as she got an opening. 

She slapped my shoulder and I started levitating off the ground. I slowly made my way up and shot my ice at the fire. 

Steam filled the place and it became cooler. I took a hold of the walls and yelled. "Uraraka!" It took some seconds before I heard. "Release!" And I dropped onto the floor. 

I made my way through the halls making sure there was no one there. I could hear a muffled scream and hurried to a window, getting the view of the whole scene. 

I saw Kirishima running over the grass, that was now burnt. "I'm coming!" He screamed, making his way to the 2-B's dormitory building. 

Lucky for them, and us, they weren't here right now. They were on a little class trip. 

But why does he need to go there? Who need help? I shrugged it off and ran out of the building. 

I could't see someone in need so I deemed it empty here. As I made my way back to the others I saw Toga capturing Uraraka and Tsu. Iida and I looked at each other then nodded. We launched at them and each took one of the girls. 

Bakugo POV.

The burnt guy, apparently named Dabi, managed to destroy a part of the dorm. Big boulders and rocks came rushing down on me.

I managed to dodge the big ones, but the smaller crashed down. Some falling on me, cutting deep into my arms. 

One of the smaller, but still big hit me in my head. (Ya know? The kind of big, but small so you can pick it up, but if you drop it on your foot you will have a big problem..? Yeah, you know those.) 

I felt dizzy and my eyes blurred for a second, also getting a terrible headache. I couldn't see much anymore, the smoke making my eyes sting. Suddenly I felt a terrible sting of pain in my side.

Then something heavy on my shoulders, it pushing me down on the ground. I fell on my back with what looked like Dabi straddling me.  

I did't know what to do. He captured my hands, making my explosion useless. "Hey Katsuki. You will come with me, join the LOV, you will be mine. And you'll love me, just as much as I do." He said in a luring and obsessive voice. 

I struggle to get free from his grip. He leaned closer tilting his head, I pushed my head making it sink deeper into the grass. His lips was centimeters away from mine. Out of desperation I yelled. 

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