Chp 5/ Small Town Boy In A Big Arcade!! Baku Got Addicted To A Loosing Game!

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**"WHAT!?!?!" I yelled as I jumped up, looking at him like he was a mad man.**

Bakugo POV.

Kaminari suddenly yelled and jumped up, pointing at me. All while standing in a wired position.

The change in volume startled me a little and got me to jump slightly. "What is it!?" He said back. We had now the whole class' attention.

"How do you not know what an arcade is!?!?" Kaminari asked me in disbelief. The class gasped and stared at Bakugo with wide eyes.

. . .

"Bakugo what the fuck!?" "What have you done for fun all of these years!?" "Are you feeling good, bro?" "That's not normal, dude." "How do you sleep at night?" Everyone commented over each other.

"But seriously, dude. Have you never been to an arcade?" Kirishima said concerned. Bakugo looked at him and shrugged, looking down.

"Omg! Guys! We should totally take Bakugo the Arcade! We don't have anything to do, so why not! Come on!!" Mina said as she jumped up and down. She grabbed onto Tsuyu's arm, shaking her excitingly.

"Yeah, we should totally!" Kaminari said as he grabbed Bakugo and pulled him to his feet. "What do you say?!?" He said as he stared deep into Bakugo's soul.

Bakugo looked at him and the others awkwardly. "Uhm... Sure.." He said, though it didn't seem like he actually wanted to.

The class cheered and the 'Dekusquad' as they called themselves, walked to Aizawas office to ask if they could go. They were the most responsible in the class, so Aizawa would most likely say yes to them.

The rest of the class went to their dorm and changed clothes. Since the class expected a yes, they decided to meet the others at the doors.

-Time Skip ... an hour or so later-

Third POV.

Not even 2 hours later the class had arrived at the arcade and everyone was on different kind of machines. The 'Bakusquad' as Mina had called them, to Bakugo dismay, had taken a hold of the prince's arms and dragged him around.

After some games, different machines and trying and failing at winning a big Snorlax plushie, Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero ... Had lost Bakugo.

Bakugo slipped into his more introverted side, as there was a lot of people everywhere. There wasn't any dogs allowed there either, so Mocha had to stay back at the dormitory.

He tried to calm him self down and went to get a water at the little bar they had there. (Children friendly) He sat there for maybe 15 minutes before someone from the class spotted him.

Todoroki POV.

Midoriya wouldn't stop clinging on to me, it was getting kind of irritating. I tried to escape him, saying I was going to the bathroom. Instead I went to the little bar, as I was thirsty.

As the disk came to sight, I could see Bakugo by himself, sipping on the straw poking out of his drink.

Why is he all by himself? Where did Kirishima and the others go? Should I talk to him? He's just staring at the table. ... He's so cute! I'll talk to him, he seems out of it. Maybe I can cheer him up.

I slowly approached Bakugo from the side. "Hello Sir! Would you like anything?" A lady said, jumping up from behind the counter. "Just a water, please." I said back in my emotionless, monotone voice. She nodded and walked away.

Bakugo still didn't notice me when I sat down beside him. The lady came back with a glass of water and a red straw. When the lady sat the glass down, Bakugo's head shot up.

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