Chp 9/ The Accident

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⚠️ TW death, blood, mention of suicidal attempts and cutting ⚠️

**Bakugo sat up, took a deep breath, calming down and started explaining.**

Bakugo POV.

The accident flashed in my head, as I started explaining. "It was two years ago.. Almost exactly actually. It was the 20th of May."

(Flash back)

It was a normal day. Some days after I figured out I was going to attend UA. Me, Matsuke and Katsumi was in our limousine, on our way to one of our parents important events. They have these events three times a year, this being one of the first. 

later this week we were going to the doctor too. Katsumi is getting to know her quirk. Some weeks ago she said she started to see things... Things that wasn't really there. One time she suddenly disappeared, coming back saying she met a dead person. 

Our parents thought she was going mental, until I brought up the idea of it might being her quirk. But back to the point. 

Wakusei, my bodyguard, and my sisters bodyguard, Ryo Tamashini, was driving in the front seats.

I was sitting on my phone, scrolling through whatever social media I had downloaded. Katsumi was beside me, playing with her doll and teddybear. 

She was pretending that the two had a conversation. Matsuke was sitting closest to the door and was just looking out of the window. I was basically sitting between them. 

There is just a year between me and Matsuke. I had a good relationship with him and we were very good friends. 

As for Katsumi, she is the most precious to me. The hag and old man stopped paying any attention to us when I turned 13 and Katsumi turned 5. I felt I was to be responsible for her, my brother said he could help, but I refused. 

Like my stubborn self would do. 

Matsuke was always the one to get the most praise from them. Cause one, he was the oldest and their first born. Two, cause of his quirk, we had similar quirks but his was more controllable then mine. Three, he was seen as way smarter. Though he came to me when he needed help with his homework.

He was also the only one of us that went to school, my sister and I had everything home. We were never allowed out. Except for special events and only if our bodyguard was going with us. 

I felt Wakusei push down on the breaks and we stopped. I looked up, the traffic light flashing red. I watched it turn yellow. Suddenly I got a bad feeling, like one thing wrong and the world would end. 

My stomach dropped and I felt sick. My sister was still playing and Matsuke looked like he was about to fell asleep. My heart started beating faster and I got the attention of my brother. "Hey I have a bad feeling. I-" I stopped.

In the distance behind him. Out of the window, I saw a car burst through the street. The lights turned green. I felt like everything went in slow motion.

My sister got out of her seat, unbeknownst to the danger, and looked at the candy options on display. 

The car was going way over the speed limit, closing in on us. My heart was beating so fast that I couldn't speak. 

Without knowing what to do I tried to grab Katsumi. I couldn't reach her, my sweat belt stopped me. I struggled to get it off, and on impulse I yelled. "WAIT!"

Then everything went black. 

My head hurts, I can't hear anything... What is that piping? It's annoying. 

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