Chp 15/ A Burnt Guy?

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**They went up to Bakugo's room and on his balcony. Bringing a blanket and laying on top of it. Stargazing and cuddling.**

-Time skip... A month later-

Toga POV. (With the League Of Villains)

Tomura (Shigiraki) was yelling at me to keep attention to the plan he was explaining. "Can you stop being on your phone while I'm explaining our plan!" He screamed at me. I just rolled me eyes at him and giggled. 

I nodded, but as soon as he looked away my attention was on my phone again. I scrolled on Instagram liking whatever I saw. I heard Tomura finish explaining. "This is going to happen in three days, on Saturday." 

I nodded, so it looked like I was listening. I walked over to my boyfriend, who was sitting on the couch, on his own phone. I sat down in his lap, he wrapped his arms around my waist, not taking his eyes on the screen. 

"Hey, Twice." I said to him, I leaned my head on his chest. "Hey, Babe." He said back, kissing my neck softly, making me giggle. Mamagiri was behind the bar, cleaning the glasses, watching close over us. 

I kept scrolling. Only coming over boring advertisement for cute clothes and lame games. I swiped down fast, my head tilted to the side as my eyes glimpsed something. I scrolled back up again, finding the post. 

I saw the name Bakugo, recognizing it right away. It was a screenshot of a tweet saying that the Prince was going to UA. A picture of him and the son of Endeavor, in a party at the castle. They was holding hands, talking with two cute girls.

 I smirked, knowing Dabi probably would want to know this. 

"Hey~ Dabiiii... Guess what I just found out~?" I said in a singsong voice. I rolled his eyes and sighed. "What?" He said impatient, not really caring about what I was going to say.

I raised my eyebrow at him jokingly, and showed him my phone screen. "Did you know that Prince Bakugo is in UA High now?" I asked him with a smug look on my face, I turned. My back facing him.

I sank further into Twice's arms, I could practically hear his my bf's smile. I heard a chair screeching over the wooden floor. Fast foot steps could be heard coming over to us.

I knew it was Dabi and snickered when he snacked my phone out of my hands. He read the post and clicked on a little link to a news article about it.

His eyes rolled over each word. He threw the phone at my face and ran over to the bar. Mamagiri was still standing behind the desk watching over us. Though Tomura just sat down there.

He could hear the approaching stomps too and sighed, he slowly turned in the tall chair.

"Can we kidnap the Prince!? I really want him. He's mine! I will personally take care of him!" He said possessively, with fire in his eyes.... (Blue fire ;3)

Tom sighed and shrugged him off saying. "Whatever just don't let the consequences go out on the original plan, if anything goes wrong." And he turned in the chair again.

Dabi jumped in excitement. Stars displayed in his eyes.

I just chuckled at the scene and went back to cuddling with my bf. He kissed my cheek as I giggled and captured his lips.

-Time skip... Some time later.. idk-

Third POV. (With class 2-A)

For the group of students it was time to prepare dinner. Sato and Ojiro was in the kitchen talking about what they were going to make. "We could need some help. Could we ask some of the others?" Ojiro said. 

Sato nodded. "Hm. Yaoyorozu is busy, so she is not an option." He said. "We can ask Bakugo. If he isn't doing anything." Ojiro worded his thoughts. 

Sato nodded and they texted Bakugo.

New group chat made : Food Wars ;3

Rikido_Sato added -- The_Royal_Cat and Tail_Boi

Rikido_Sato: Hey Bakugo? Are you busy? Do you want to help us with dinner tonight? We could need an extra pair of hands.

The_Royal_Cat: Uhm. Sure, I can help. I'll be there in a sec. What are we making anyways?

Tail_Boi: We thought about making Katsudon (pork cutlet bowls), Omurise and Curry. And some Onigiri (rise balls) too. And you can decide the desert. 

The_Royal_Cat: Ok. That's a lot. If we are going to make that, we need to start now. We can just have some kind of cake or shit for desert. 

After the last text, they logged off and prepared what they needed. A minute later Bakugo came walking through the door. "Ok, lets get this shit started." He said while clapping his hand together. 

As time went by, the smell of food lured out the other classmates. They kept rolling in, one by one, they sat down at the tables. Some helping with the table. Laying out plates and cups. 

One of the last people came in together. Deku, Todoroki and Denki came walking through, chatting. 

They breathed in the smell of food, Denki and Deku keep walking to the tables. Todoroki scanned the room, his eyes falling upon the "complicated" blond in the kitchen. 

He frowned looking around more. He couldn't find her. Where is she? Isn't she always supposed to be with him? He thought as he made his way over to the young prince. 

Bakugo POV.

I was making the rise balls as I felt someone snake their arms around my waist. I tensed a little, but relaxed right after. 

"Heyyyy. Are you hungry?" I asked with a faint smile and a content face. He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm hungry. It smells amazing. But I was just wondering about something." He said. 

"About what?" I asked, still working on the food. "Well, I couldn't help but notice that Mocha isn't here. I was just wondering where she was." He said slowly. 

I sighed a little. "She's just at the vet. Nothing to worry about. She's just having a checkup, you know." I said back. I could feel him smile, as his chin was resting on my shoulder.

"Ok. That's good. But are you done yet? I'm starving!" He let go standing beside me. "Yeah I'm done. Just go to the table. I'll meet you there." I said shooing him away. 

As he walked away I gathered the food and sat it down on the table. Soon the other food coming too. We sat down and ate the makings.


After some minutes Aizawa suddenly came rushing in. "Ok, keep calm." Ok, I don't know if you know, but when you say 'just stay calm' or something like that to someone before the actual thing... we aren't going to stay calm. 

He breathed in as we all stopped everything we were doing. All eyes placed on our teacher. "Ok, so. The league of villains is attacking the school right this moment. And they have some very strong Nomus... " He chuckled. "We could need some help." He said. 

We all scurried out to the school building. Should we get our suits? No. We don't have time. I'm literally in my pj's though. Ok, whatever. 

I ran with some of the others, to the back of the school and meet with a couple of nomus. 

I jumped past them and saw some members of LOV running to one of the dormitories. I changed direction on sight, running after what seemed like... A burnt guy?

(Hey! Ok, so I didn't really know where to go with the story for the last chp. So this is what is going to happen now. 

1287 Words

> Cloud)

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