Chp 7/ His Soft lips And His Teary Eyes

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**Bakugo assisted Kaminari picking together an outfit out of what he bought, for his and Shinsou's date.**

Todoroki POV.

Do I like Bakugo? We almost kissed. Why didn't I stop myself. Why couldn't I just look away from his mesmerizing red eyes, and that perfect jaw, that super cute, but hot face and that perfect fit bod-. . . I like Bakugo

It was now time for dinner and I could hear people come out of their dorms. I could hear talking and footsteps walking by my door. I stood up and slowly made my way out to the common room. I was still figuring out my feelings. 

All of this was so complicated. Like who knew I was gay? or am I gay though? I could be bi and pan...  

Ugh! Why does it have to be so hard! why can't I just know!? I haven't been attracted to anyone until now. I mean he is a boy, but that doesn't mean that I don't like girls either! ok, ok, lets just eat and get back to bed. 

I walked into the common room and my eyes wandered to the big table. Bakugo was sitting on the end of the table. Kaminari beside him and Bakugo chatting to the overly happy power bank. 

I got a wired feeling in my chest as I saw them talking. What is this feeling? Is this jealousy? Am I jealous?

I shake my head and headed to my place at the table. Once I sat down, Bakugo glanced at me for a brief second. I blushed at the little smile on his soft lips... hip lips... I could've kissed them! They seem so soft and pink. I should've just kissed him, him and those plumped lips! 

I kept thinking. Thinking about Bakugo and every little cute detail I didn't notice before. He had his ears pierced, he had multiple little scars on his ears. Indicating that he have had piercings before. 

Every time he is upset or angry, his nose scrunches up. He always looks pissed off or some kind of resting-bitch-face, but you can easily see the difference between each mood. 

His eyes can be so calming, just like a beautiful sunset. But when he is angry they can be so threatening. Like there's fire in his eyes, like a bull ready to run at someone. 

His lips, looking like he uses lipbalm everyday, keeping them moist. The almost not visible freckles on his shoulders and one very clear on his ear, where he once have had a Helix piercing. 

The rest of the class walked in and the food was placed out. The food was made by Satou himself, the only one allowed in the kitchen. Together with Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and Bakugo.

Seeing as everyone else had either set something on fire, getting water everywhere, exploded something, made a mess and not cleaning up after themselves or just terribly failed at making something. 

I was the one who spilled water everywhere, so did Hagakure once. It looked like a little flood. 

As I was thinking loudly in my head, a green cinnamon roll sat down beside me, trying to get my attention. Let's be honest, green is a wired color on a cinnamon roll. 

He kept talking about different heroes and All Might. Just as I was done with my meal, I got up and went back to my dorm. Getting away from Midoriya, as soon as possible. 

I headed straight for the shower and turned on the water. I stripped my clothes off, still ponding over my feeling for bakugo. Once I was fully naked I stepped into the warm water, letting it slide down my back. 

I let out an amused sigh, and I tried to get my mind clear. I argued with myself if I should just give it time, get to know him more. 

I washed my hair and body fast. I went out and dressed in dark blue pajama pants and a grey shirt. 

Third POV.

Todoroki went to bed and within 10 minutes, he was out like a light. As for Bakugo, he was twisting and turning.

After his talk with Kaminari at dinner, the 'Bakusquad' had a little movie night at Mina's dorm. Kirishima was acting wired, witch is normal,don't get it wrong.

But.. He didn't say much after Mina began gossiping to Kami about Baku and Todoroki.

He had a smile on his face, but his mind was clearly not present. He just looked at Bakugo occasionally and looked back down at his lap, then to the others.

Bakugo didn't really notice as he was trying to watch the movie playing. Sero noticed though. He didn't say anything about it, chose to ask him later.

Bakugo just couldn't sleep. He felt wrong about everything. His mind running around, bringing back memories. Memories he wished would stay away.

He really didn't want to loose anyone.

Tears developed in his eyes, thinking about last year's event and accident. He was cuddled up to Mocha, his hand stroking her fur, trying to ground himself.

Pictures flooded his mind, making him choke out a sob. The pictures of that day haunts him to this day. This was one of the reasons why he had Mocha by his side.

He nuzzled his face into her, trying to fall asleep. He eventually did.

"I just wish they were here." Was his last words before his eyes fell heavy.

(I know it got a little sad in the end here, just wait for the upcoming next chapter 😉 be prepared!

934 Words

> Cloud)

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