Chp 20/ Setsuna, The 'Nothing' (END)

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**And everything went black.**

Third POV.

"Hey. What do you want to do now?" A voice said. "Who- who are you? What do you mean? I though I died." Todoroki said confused. 

The person who the voice belonged to smiled slightly. "Oh, I can't tell you who I am Todoroki. But yes, you are dead. What do you wish to do?" They answered and asked. 

Todoroki still didn't know what they meant. Why so vague? He thought. "Uhm. Where am I? If I am dead.. What is this? And how do you know my name?" He asked. 

The person sighed. "This is what he calls 'The Void' or 'The Middle'. And how I know your name? Well he always gives me info on the next dead. Now, what do you want to do?" They asked again. 

Todoroki needed them to explain what they meant by that, but he was still so curious. "Who is he?" Todoroki asked. The brown haired person tilted their head with a genuine smile on. 

"He is the Lord of course. What do you wish to do now?" They said. They weren't impatient at all, only kindness in their voice. Just wanted to help. 

"You mean God?" Todoroki said. The persons eyes widened, they blushed a little. "What? Of course no. Oh my, they don't exist, but if they did, I'd be honored to work under them. But back to the point. What do you choose to do now?" They was persistent. 

"What do you mean by that? I'm dead, I can't do anything, can I? Can you explain?" He asked. 

The person smiled. "Of course. You are in 'the middle', this is a place where the newly dead get to choose what they want to do now. I am usually the one that meet them all, and fulfill their wishes for what they want to do next." They paused. 

"You can choose to get born again. As a human or whatever you would want. You can choose to go into the afterlife. To go to heaven, live there and become an angel. You can also choose to go into the afterlife and go to Hell, live there and become a demon." They paused again. 

"You can also choose to become ghost. Then you can live on earth as a ghost, you can do whatever you'd like. One of the last options is to become a guardian. Then you can become a ghost-angel-hybrid and look after someone on earth, witch you chose who is. You can also communicate with them at times." They informed. 

"You can chose to become a 'Nothing'. Then you don't become a ghost, Angel, demon or a hybrid. You become nothing, but you'd have to stay here in 'The Void' and assist the next dead. I am a 'Nothing', to show you an example." They stopped. 

"There are some consequences if you choose to be reborn, or if you choose to become a 'Nothing'. If you get reborn. You, of course forget about past life. You get a new family, a whole new environment, quirk, name, and looks." They said. 

"If choose to become a 'Nothing' you have the same quirk, looks and so on. Except you forget everything about past life and you get a new name. When I choose this, it only took about some seconds before I forgot all about my past life. The only thing I remember is one faint memory. That one memory if the one I must have cherished the most before I died. Everyone who become a 'Nothing' forgets, but everyone also have than one happy memory." They looked up to Todoroki. 

"Whatever you chose, I will fulfill, thought there are some rules you'd have to follow. Someone else here in 'The Void' will help you learn them. Now over to the other options rules. If you choose to become a ghost or a hybrid, you will also get a new quirk. You can chose between three. You also stay the same as when you died. So you won't age or look older. You are 20, you will stay 20." They sighed. 

"Now. What do you wish to do?" They asked. 

Todoroki took in all the information. He thought for a moment. I don't want to go to hell or heaven. I don't want to be stuck here either and to be just ghost sounds boring. I would chose to get reborn, but then there's a chance I will never meet Katsuki again... Then there's only guardian left. 

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