Chp 18/ A Movie And Some Cute Shit

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**Smart of doc to not tell them the negative parts of the operation. Wonder, where is his parents at.** 

-Time skip....Get ready now....3 years later (the class are now Pro Heroes and are around 20 years old)- 

Third POV.

The couple was walking down the side of the road. Their good friends walking beside them. Seven months ago the two girls got married, they invited the boys and was reunited with their long distance friends. 

They boys traveled to Norway, all the way from Japan. They enjoyed the winter wedding and hung out with each other frequently, ever since the honeymoon was over. 

They had just been out on a double date, walking home after eating at a restaurant and a long walk in the park. 

-Time skip... the next day-

Todoroki POV.

The sun shined through the powder blue curtains, as I felt movement beside me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked to my right, as I turned from my back to my side. 

I wrapped my hands around his waist and hugged him closer, not completely awake. "Hey babe. Good morning." He said as he snuggled into my chest. I breathed in his scent. "Hello.." I said sleepy. 

I turned to check the time. It read 7.04 AM. I stretched and got out of bed. Leaving him behind, sleeping. I silently walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Food.. Food..... Foooooooood." I chanted in a tired raspy tone as I took out eggs, bacon and stuff to make pancakes. 

I put the batter on the pan and listened at the sizzling. I laid bacon and eggs in another pan, making it all at the same time. 

I put everything on plates and on a little board, to carry it, after it was done. I made my way up, after getting some orange juice, and I walked across the floor. I sat down on the edge of the bed and laid down the food on our nightstand. 

I looked down at him and leaned in, kissing his cheek. "Wake up, sleepy head. You have been sleeping for through your alarms. I have food for us." I said in a whisper. He stirred and stretched, opening his eyes, and yawned. "I've been up for hours. I don't know what you're talking about." He said as he sat up. 

I looked at him with an unimpressed look. "Sure you have." I chuckled and put the food in front of him, his eyes gleaming instantly. 

I watched him eat happily and I ate with him. He hummed on a song I could't recognize. To be fair he can thousands of songs, and I haven't heard half of them before. Not wired that I don't know this one, so I shrugged it off. 

Once we were done with the food, I moved it out of the way and dragged him to the shower. We took off our clothes, I saw him take off his shirt. I saw his toned abs and chest, but every time I saw his scars it brought back memories. 

The scar on his stomach and back from that metal pole, and those burn marks all over his chest and one on his chin. They had toned down over the years, but you could still see many of them. 

He looked up at me, after putting his clothes in the laundry basket and sighed. I looked from his chest to his eyes, he came closer and wrapped his arms around my neck. 

He tilted his head. "Hey. Don't think about that. It's been three years... I'm fine." He said and kissed me. "I know your fine, Kat. It just... Brings back awful memories." I said as I turned on the shower and stepped in. 

We starred at each other for a while before I leaned in, kissing him. I parted, but he brought me back. We made out until the warm water started to get cold. He shivered and we got out. 

Third POV.

The two lover boys dried off and put on some clean clothes. It was a Saturday so they didn't have any hero work, though Bakugo had some stuff he needed to do at the castle. He's still a prince, ya know. 

It was still around 10.00 AM so they still had some time to do whatever, until Bakugo had to go. They went to their living room and laid down on the couch, Bakugo on top of Todoroki, cuddling. 

They went to Netflix and turned on a movie they both seemed interested to see. (They put on that new 'Raya and the last dragon' Movie. I have newly watched it and it was amazing! Btw it is the 12th of June while I'm writing this. So it just came out on Disney+)

It was early autumn too, so it started to get colder and darker each day. Meaning Bakugo became more cuddly day by day, but Todoroki didn't mind. They had popcorn, soda and some candy in a bowl. 

As they focused on the movie it slowly begun to rain outside, and it the wind made a piping noise come from the windows. 

Todoroki took a deep breath and noticed it pouring rain on the pavement in front of their house. Bakugo still hadn't noticed the rain, but heard the noise from the water hitting the windows. He just ignored it and kept watching the animated people talking on the screen. 

Todoroki grabbed the bowl of popcorn and took a handful. Shoving some into him mouth, then into his boyfriend's.

They were almost half way through the movie when Bakugo stretched for the remote and paused it. "Sorry, got go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit." He said as he got up and walked out. "Okay..." Todoroki said to no one in particular as he took out his phone. 

He checked if he had got any texts. He didn't. lately, villain attacks had increased a lot, almost none of the pros was getting free days. This was one of those lucky days when both of the two had a day off duty... Almost off duty. 

If anyone needed backup, it was their obligation and necessity to get there, as soon as possible. Todoroki threw away his phone and fixed some more popcorn. 

Todoroki took out the popcorn from the micro, salted it and laid it in the bowl. Bakugo walked in and saw him in the kitchen, he kept walking as sat down on the sofa. 

His boyfriend put down the bowl and pulled a blanket over them. They were sitting up, Todoroki's arm around Bakugo's shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around his waist, leaning into Todo's warm side. 

(Hiiiiiii... Sorry for the last chp.. It was kinda dark. So I wanted to make it up with a little cute filler chp. But the sad is not over, so don't take of your seatbelts. It's maybe one of two chp left of this book. But! Gotta go! I need my can of Redbull... Ok actually, it's late I should't drink it now.. Maybe tomorrow. Oki bye!

... Ok it's me.. The next day. Hehe I drank the Redbull yesterday :'3 and I stayed up til 2. 00 something AM before I went to bed... Yaayyy and I'm not even tired.. I only got 6 hours of sleep lol... I usually get 8 or something...

1238 Words

> Cloud) 

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