Act II Ch. 10: No Longer Contained

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Since the Ring wasn't in your possession, you ended up riding with Cole towards the Constrictai tomb. The ride was fast and quiet as you watched the world around you fly by.

Soon enough, you've made it to your destination: the Mountain of a Million Steps. The mountain towered high up above. Just the sight of it made you feel tired and queasy already.

You've got a long way ahead of you.

The three of you began your hike to the top. You did your best to keep your breath controlled as you trailed after the other two ninjas. Cole was an experienced mountain climber, and Zane had much more stamina than you.

You did eventually make it to the top after the long and exhausting trip up. You had your hands on your knees as you slowly steadied your rapid breath. Zane stood beside you with a hand on your back.

"Sorry, guys," You said, breathless. "Not used to climbing mountains this high..." You glanced at Zane and fought back a smile. His gi was still a faded pink. "Thanks..."

The three of you headed off into the cave at the top, finding an open pit with a rope tied to a sturdy rock. Zane dropped down first, then you, and Cole brought up the rear. You glanced around the dark area for a moment. Empty, it seems.

Were the snakes already released?

You heard a spark and glanced over, panic immediately taking hold of your heart at the sight of fire. You attempted to walk backwards, to escape the flame, though you only ended up tripping and falling onto the hard rocky ground.

"(Y/n)!" Cole was at your side. "It's okay! It's okay."

You did your best to push back the flickers of your home village burning down, of your accidental murder of the previous Hypnobrai General. It was so, so difficult. "Sorry— I'm sorry. That— The fire... just..."

"We're sorry," Cole apologized. "We should've warned you about that since it's dark in here and with your experience..."

You got up with the help of Cole and glanced around the small area. There were many glyphs and etchings in the cavern walls.

"Huh, didn't momma snake ever tell them to not draw on the walls?" Cole asked. It brought a tiny smile to your face.

"These images describe a legend," Zane mentioned. "It speaks of a tribe that will attempt to unite all Serpentine tribes."

"Those snakes have been at war with each other for centuries, though," Cole reminded the white ninja.

"Well, it says here..." Zane stepped closer to the hieroglyphics, ghosting his hand over the symbols, "once they unite, they have the capabilities of finding the Four Silver Fangblades which, when used, will unleash the Great Devourer to consume all the land, turning day into night."

"You get all that from those pictures?" Cole softly chuckled.

"I can see how he's getting that," You said as you glanced up at the drawings yourself. "The uniting," You pointed to a crude drawing of five different-coloured snakes standing within a half-circle with their staves raised. "The four blades," Next to the first drawing was a picture of four silver blades, each with a slight tint of a different colour within its blade: blue, red, green, and black. "And the Great Devourer," Finally, you pointed at the drawing of the giant snake rising from the ground.

"This gives me deep concern," Zane spoke gravelly. "If the Anacondrai manages to unite the five tribes before Kai and Jay could stop them..."

"Relax..." Cole said. "They're just a bunch of dumb snakes that believe in little fairytales. If anything, we—" Cole suddenly cut himself off. "Uh-... Did you feel that?"

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