Act III Ch. 20: The Candle at the End of the Corridor

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Through the great, blue sky above, four beings flew towards Ninjago. It could be seen a long, long ways away. The sky above Ninjago was dark and sinister, and lightning visibly flashed every so often.

Hourglass flew rather low compared to the two dragons, but that didn't make him any less faster than the great beasts. Lloyd flew nearby with his golden mech. The four ninja rode upon the Ultra Dragon, and Sensei, Misako, Dr Julien, and Tai-D were on Acrylic.

Ninjago neared. The sky slowly filled with clouds, and the world darkened. The dragons soared closer to the waters as you approached the pier. The water was a sickening black. The buildings lost their colour. People milled about the streets yet they, too, were without colour or life.

The dragons landed. Hourglass and Lloyd both landed. You slipped off your friend and stared ahead towards the heart of the storm. The clouds spiralled around a tall tower at the centre of Ninjago City. Purple lightning struck frequently from above.

"What is that thing?" Kai asked.

"Garmatron," Sensei answered.

"It's turned into a fortress..." Misako stated.

"But where's the Overlord?" Dr Julien questioned.

"We'll just have to find him," Cole announced. "Let's get moving."

You took off into the city. Very few people roamed the streets of Ninjago City. Those that did had long since been corrupted. You and the others slowly made your way towards the centre of the city.

The Overlord had to be at the Garmatron. You had to get there in one piece.

You stuck to the side of a building and waited for the others to catch up.

"Oh, he's turned everyone evil..." Kai muttered.

"Just like Nya and Echo..." Jay quietly spoke.

You listened closely to the world around you. The city was so, eerily quiet. Not a single car drove down the streets. Distant, quiet footsteps continuously sounded from the corrupted individuals that walked around with no purpose other than to serve the Overlord.

Then, you heard crying.

You glanced around for a moment before taking off down the street.

"(Y/n), wait!"

You slipped into an alley and listened again. The crying was just a touch closer. You prepared to run again.

Thundering horns sounded in the distance. You looked up towards the distant Garmatron. A ball of congealed mass shot from the tower's peak and arched in your direction.

You rapidly disappeared down the alley. You heard something explode behind you. You glanced back in time to see a disgusting splatter of purple slime where you were just standing.

You turned and ran down the street as silently as you could. You did your best to sneak into the next alley, but a blur of white took you by surprise. You tripped over something and fell to the ground.

You rolled and threw yourself to your feet. You gasped. "Harumi!"

The little girl looked up at you, tears in her eyes. She let out a cry before she jumped into your arms and hugged you tight.

You picked up the girl and hid in the alley. You glanced out for a moment, spotting the blur of Lloyd's mech before he disappeared down the road. They were heading straight towards the Garmatron.

A roar sounded from above, and the Ultra Dragon flew past up above. Acrylic and Hourglass followed close after. Hourglass dove from the sky and slowly to a stop before you. He trotted over before quickly hugging both you and Harumi.

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