Act II Ch. 18: Father of Shadow

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i'm not a chef lol. i only know a little bit of japanese cooking and the rest of my knowledge is all english-styled things lol. i don't really go into depth in explaining how to make food

also this is kind of a filler chapter?? just some interactions with lord garmadon and a bit more nya time (and some pirate/penelope things towards the end lol)


What is holding you back?

Many things are holding you back from your True Potential. You've yet to fully accept your accidental murder of the Hypnobrai General, you still feel like a failure for being unable to protect Lloyd and Acrylic, and you feel like you don't fully belong in the team.

Kai's words have been getting to you a bit. He's gotten a lot more competitive about who will earn their True Potential first, you or him. His competitive nature has been bleeding into yours, causing you to constantly question what's holding you back and pressuring yourself to just let go.

But it's not that easy. It's never that easy.

"C'mon, everyone else can do it! You can do it, too! You're not gonna be last in finding your True Potential! Fire, go! Shoot flames! Unlock!"

The other ninja (and Nya) all burst out into laughter while you could only watch in embarrassment and sadness. Kai had put on the Green Ninja and was trying to somehow unlock his True Potential, and you and the others had started spying on him.

Kai spun around, green hood hiding his flushed and embarrassed face. "Wh- How long have you all been there?!"

"The Green Ninja suit..." Jay completely ignored Kai's question and looked over the Green Ninja outfit. "That's awesome!"

"What are you doing with it?" Cole asked.

"I, uh..." Kai took the hood off with a sigh. "I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei, and I ended up finding this...

"But you know that only he who is foretold to face Lord Garmadon is destined to be the Green Ninja," Zane mentioned, "and only he should wear the Green Ninja outfit. Sensei would most likely-"

"I know, I know," Kai interrupted. "But... I thought if I tried it on, it might've helped with my True Potential. It's..." He shook his head in frustration. "It's not fair that you three have already unlocked your cool powers."

"Hey, this isn't a competition!" Jay exclaimed. "You've gotta find it at your own pace. That's something that Sensei would say, right?"

Kai sighed once again. "Whatever... But until Sensei comes back, I'm gonna try and find-"

"Hello?" You whipped around at the sound of Sensei's voice. "Anyone home?"

"Sensei!" You dashed after your friends as they all cheered.

The five of you appeared on the Bounty's deck once again, where you spotted Sensei Wu waiting. The others thundered down the stairs and nearly tackled Sensei in a huge group hug while you stood back, not wanting to accidentally hurt someone in the process.

"Ah, it is so good to be back home," Sensei stated as the others gave Sensei enough room.

"We're so glad you're back," Zane spoke.

"You bring us anything?" Cole jokingly asked.

"Oh, Sensei, Sensei!" Jay began his rambles. "You've missed so much since you left! Zane's a nindroid, Cole's an expert dancer, there's a parrot that knows where one of the Fangblades is, and three of us have our True Potentials-"

"Slow down, please," Sensei cut Jay's speech short. "Zane is a... what?"

"You've been gone quite a while," Zane stated. "We'll catch you up later."

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