Act II Ch. 21: On the Eve of Disaster

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You stood just inside the Bounty, staring out at the deck as rain pounded against the wood. The Bounty shifted as powerful winds flew by, though you remained unharmed just within. You weren't in your gi but in a simple T-shirt and pants.

You held Cider's bonsai tree within your arms. You were initially going to head out in the rain to water the bonsai tree, though you didn't think it'd get this powerful in such a short amount of time. The Bounty rocked again as another flurry passed, though you stood your ground.

You and the team were on your way to Torchfire Mountain, which was currently the hottest volcano to exist on Ninjago. The Fangblades couldn't be destroyed by any means other than extreme heat, and Torchfire Mountain was the only place hot enough to melt through the Blades' metal.

"You doin' okay, there?" You glanced behind you to find Kai walking your way. Despite his casual question, he looked very concerned and even upset.

"I'm... doing better," You replied as you looked back down at your bonsai tree. "It's been tough, but I'm... doing my best to get through it, for now."

Kai stood opposite of you, leaning against the doorframe. He glanced over Cider's bonsai with a slight curiosity in his eyes. "So... Your friend... They weren't- aren't human. Neither were those knights, huh?"

"Yeah," You nodded. "They're all made of different types of art. Almost everyone I know is some form of art, whether it's paint, clay, yarn, wood... There are probably dozens more out there."

"And you and Lloyd are the only ones that can see that, right?" Kai questioned.

"I'm... pretty sure Sensei can, too," You shrugged. "Acrylic told me that ages ago when I first met him... It's only those who have the Element of Art or those who are fully trusted by the creator that can see this art-people..."

"...You trust us, don't you?"

"Oh, I didn't make any of those people," You quickly replied. "Most of them were made by my grandma, and she's... gone. And Pirate and Polar were both made by Lloyd, and I'm pretty sure he's still figuring things out." You offered a smile. "If I make anyone, I'm sure you'll be able to see them for who they truly are. Until then, I'm not sure if I'm able to change that for my current friends..."

Kai nodded in understanding as he glanced out at the thunderous rain.

A quiet minute passed between the two of you, with you silently caring for your bonsai tree and Kai simply enjoying the rain. Despite being afraid of water, it seems that rain calms Kai down.

"Y'know..." Kai started. "I don't know if this is sudden at all, but..." He glanced back at you. "I'm sorry for all the hateful things I've said in the past. From being mean when Nya was gone to saying shit things about Lloyd and... Yeah..."

"It's alright, Kai," You replied. "I've already forgiven you. If I hadn't, we probably wouldn't be here talking."

"Still, I don't think I properly apologized at all," Kai nervously held a hand behind his head. "I thought I should do it now instead of later."

"Thanks, Kai," You smiled.

Kai eventually left you, saying that he wanted to check on how much further it would be until you reached Torchfire Mountain. The rain began to lighten, enough so you could head out and get Cider a fair bit of water.

As you stood by the edge of the boat, you glanced down at the bonsai tree. There have been a few... oddities, ever since you got your hands on Cider's "charm," as they called it, especially when you were searching for the fourth Fangblade. You didn't know where the Fangblade was in Cider's house, yet you had a thought that you felt wasn't fully yours telling you simply, "Upstairs."

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