chapter three

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"so you have first period with mike and then second with me and max, third with all of us, fourth with dustin, fifth with lucas and then sixth with dustin and lucas." will explains to el.

"all i here is shove el to my friends." she says as they reach their locker which was next to each other.

"no, i'm just saying someone can be there to help. oh look there's the party." he points to them who was heading their way.

"oh great." she whispers under her breath and starts to hide behind him.

"yes, great. they can help and guide you since i only have one fucking class with you. absolute bullshit may i add." he scoffs quietly, "hey guys." he greets the party.

"hey." the all wave in unison.

"so i just explained the schedule stuff to el, and mike you have first period with her so can you guide her and stuff?" will asks.

"and what if i say no?" mike asks with a raised eyebrow.

"then your ass is grass." he says as the bell rings. "go on now." he turns to el as she whines quietly.

"what? i can't be with the whole time and mom said to keep an eye on you, i'll see you at lunch." he reassures her.

she sighs, clutching onto her backpack before nodding.

"great, goodbyes are over, let's go." mike says, walking ahead as el follows him behind.

"keep up." he mumbles as she tries to walk faster.

"watch it, grandma!" someone yells at her as they bump into each other.

el nods at them apologetically.

"hey! she didn't mean it!" mike yells at them as they mumble something before walking away.

"come on, we're gonna be late." he tells her as she nods. "for fucks sake, can you walk any faster? i can't be late!"

"s-s-sorry." she says above a whisper and looks down whilst trying to walk faster to match his speed.

"can you not do that? the stuttering? it makes me look like a asshole." he rolls his eyes.

you are an asshole.

she shakes her head, dismissing the thought.

"we're here." he announces, opening the door for her as she walks through it.

"mr wheeler and..." the teacher looks down at the attendance paper, "ms hopper, you're just right on time."

they both nod and head to the back which were the only seats free.

sitting next to each other, el made sure she didn't cross her half of the table and her chair wasn't in his way.

mike noticed how tense she was, "you're not in my way."

she nods slowly and turns her attention to the front.

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