chapter fourteen

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"guess i'm paired with you." mike grins, walking towards el, "guess you are."

"so what fitness are we doing? i would say squats." he smirks as they walk towards the back wall of the gym.

"we're doing sit-ups and jumping jacks because they're the easiest." she says.

he fakes a pout, "aw, no squats? you know we'll get in trouble for doing such easy exercises."

"no, we won't." she shakes her head.

"try it. do jumping jacks and see what couch says." he challenges as she hums, "fine." she ties up her hair and starts to do jumping jacks as he watches her.

"el! what are we in primary school!? do some harder exercises!" the couch blows his whistle.

"told you." mike smirks as she stops.

"let's do squat jumps and mountain climbers." he suggests.

she crosses her arms with a small huff, "fine."

"okay then go on." he grins as she rolls her eyes, "you have to do it too."

"no, we take turns, did you not listen? we have to give each other feedback so go on." he raises an eyebrow at her as she sighs quietly.

"do not stare at my ass." she warns as he smirks with a nod.

she starts to do the squats as he leans against the wall, staring straight at her.

"nine, ten..." she whispers to herself as she finishes off, "now feedback."

"well you could push your ass out more but-"

"mike! don't be such a perv and actually give me feedback." she says.

he groans, "fine. your stance was okay but you could have bent down more and your legs need to be more apart."

she nods, "now your turn."

"oh, i'm not doing that shit. you can just do your mountain climbers and i can watch once again." he says as she scoffs, "fine but if you get in trouble, it won't be my fault."

"hmm, of course." he hums as she gets down on all fours, "a fan of doggy-"

"mike, i swear to god if you don't shut up, i will kill you." she groans before she starts to do the exercise.

once she finishes, she stands up, crossing her arms over her chest and waits for his feedback.

he nods, "you got a nice ass."

she shakes her head, "i'm done. i'm telling the couch to give me a different partner."

he grabs ahold of his arm, "you're not gonna do that because first off he won't and second off, he'll question why and i won't need that."

"then stop staring at my ass!" she groans as he smirks, "alright, i'll try."

she rolls her eyes, "what are we supposed to do now?"

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