chapter six

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"no!" mike pushes his mom out of the way and receives a punch in the face.

"you bastard!" he shouts, holding his face.

"what did you just call me!? bastard, huh?" ted pulls him up by the collar and continues to punch him in the face repeatedly.

blood starts to pour from the corner of his mouth and his nose as well. he coughs, "you are a bastard."

ted fumes and drops him to the floor before grabbing one of his beer bottles.

"say it again! i dare you, say it again!" ted shouts in his face as he holds his mom protectively.

ted takes a sip of his beer and gets close to both of their faces, "you're so lucky tonight or else you'll be dead." he laughs loudly before walking upstairs.

mike then turns to his mom, "are you okay? are you hurting anywhere?"

"no. he barely touched me but look at you." she touches his face as he winces, "i'll be fine."

"mike, i'm sorry you have to stay here and couldn't go with your sisters." she whispers.

"no, stop. it was my choice remember? and what was i going to do, leave you here? let's just get you to your room." he stands up and helps her up.

"mike, you need to go to the hospital." she says as he helps her upstairs.

"i-i'll be fine." he mutters.

"okay but stay at a friends house tonight, please." she says quietly as he helps her onto her bed.


"please, mike. for me. i don't want you to stay here tonight." she begs him as he puts the covers over her, "fine. but i'll be back first thing in the morning."

"that's fine. now go." she gives him a smile as he nods, "okay. i love you, bye mom, sleep well."

"i love you too, mike."


"ow! jesus, that hurt!" mike groans, landing on the carpet floor with a groan.

"what are you doing in my room!?"

"ah shit. i was hoping this room would be wills, your window was way easier to climb." he says.

el turns the actual lights on, "oh my god, what happened to your face?" she gets up from her bed and walks over to him on the floor.

she inspects his cuts and bruises and winces even though she wasn't the one that got hurt, "does it hurt?" she asks softly.

"i'm bleeding, what do you think?" he asks.

"will's sleeping, come with me." she drags him to her bathroom. "you know how to fix these?" he asks, pointing to his face.

"better than you know." she grabs a cloth and dips it with water. "sit down by the tub."

he listens and sits down as she helps him wipe the blood, "tell me if it hurts, okay?"

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