chapter twenty-two

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tossing and turning around in the bed, el sits up with a loud annoyed huffed and runs a hand through her hair.

this night was even worse.

she couldn't fall sleep at all and she was yawning and tired but somehow she just couldn't fall asleep. she would much rather have nightmares considering she would at least get an hour of sleep in total.

sighing, she makes the decision to get out of bed and go downstairs to grab something to drink.

walking downstairs carefully, she reaches the kitchen and opens the fridge to see if there was anything to drink other than water.

there, in the back of the fridge was a carton of chocolate milk. she smiles, grabbing it and a glass as well and pours herself some to drink.

chugging the whole thing down she lets out a tried breath and turns around to place the glass in the sink to wash.

"jane." a voice whispers as she turns around quickly.

she looks around the darkness, "will? is that you?"


"will, if that's you, stop. you know i hate the dark already, don't scare me like this." she turns off the tap from behind and looks around.

"eleven... follow me." a head appears in the hall making her jump.

she squints her eyes, trying to shape out who it was but she could only see the shape of the head.

following the strange voice, she walks out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"this way..." a hand motions for her to get into her room from behind the door.

she walks to her room and then her room suddenly slams shut and the lock clicks making her jump.

then the lights turn on in a split second and she finally found out who it was.

"papa?" she whispers, moving back as an instinct as her back hits the door.

"eleven." he smirks as she closes her eyes, "you're not real, you're not real. this is a dream, you're dead." she tells herself.

she gasps loudly once he feels his hand squeeze around her throat and make her open her eyes in surprise.

"a dream, huh?" he asks, "does this feel like a dream?" he squeezes harder as she coughs, smacking onto his hand, "let me go, p-please."

he grins, "come with me." he drags her to the bathroom as she continues to struggle to breathe.

he throws her against the bath tub as she cries out on pain.

"what a pathetic little girl you are. how could you ever think someone should ever love someone like you? i finally understand why that mike kid used you, such an easy target you are." he laughs darkly as she whimpers, letting out a chocked sob.

"look at you. a crybaby like always." he leans against the door and watches her, "i wonder how this family of yours must feel like needing to take care of someone like you. a depressed, suicidal girl who is better off dead."

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