chapter five

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"so change of plans." will says as el comes out of her room. "what? are we moving again? is joyce dying-"

"what? no! i was going to say the party is coming over instead. we're not going to max's house." he says with a light chuckle.

"what!? what time? i need to change back to my clothes then." she says.

"your clothes are fine." he says, "i'm in a tank top! couldn't you have told me earlier!?"

"well then just throw on a shirt- oh they're here." he says, running down the stairs as she runs into her room.

"stop hiding!" he shouts as she slams the door shut.

she walks over to her closet and looks through it to find her clothes not there. she runs out and opens her door, "will! where are my clothes!?"

"i threw your old ones away since we bought you new and better ones! thank me later!" he shouts up the stairs.

"you asshole! you know i just bought them because you guys made me! give me back my blouses!" she groans loudly.

"wear what we bought you!" he shouts, "and don't you think about wearing that sweaty sweatshirt you have!"

"YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!" she slams the door loudly before walking back to her closet and opens the bags of clothes she barely touched.

looking through it, she sees the clothes she has always wanted to wear but was always too scared too.

she pulls out a crop top that had a bunny design printed on it and then pulls out a mini skirt to go with it.

letting out a small sigh, she quickly changes into it and then walks to her mirror. she stares at her scars that were scattered all over her left arm and a few on her left.

they're gonna find out anyways.

she lets her hair down and the grabs her phone before walking out of her room.

"see, you look so much better." will smiles as she shoves him lightly, "i very much hate you. this skirt is so short." she pulls the skirt down.

"at least you're not covering you arms like always." he says as she rolls her eyes, "they're gonna find out anyways so they can judge me all they want." she walks to the kitchen.

"ooh! cookies!" she smiles widely, seeing joyce place down a plate of cookies.

"yes chocolate chip." joyce says as el takes one and takes a bite, "delicious!"

"take another if you like." joyce says as she nods, "i'll be in my room then. i might go to the park later if that's alright."

"doesn't will want you to meet his friends properly?" joyce asks.

"he threw my clothes away, i won't stay here looking like this." she scoffs quietly, "imma go, love you." she smiles, turning around and skips out of the kitchen.

"el!" will grabs her arm and drags her into the living room, "ow! let go!" she whines.

"you promised you'd hang." he says.

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