chapter ten

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"you have one day, mister. it's the end of the week so if you don't think of a favour, it's your lost." el says, crossing her arms and leaning back against her locker.

"i'll think of one, i always do." mike grins.

"and it can't involve my powers, remember?" she asks as he nods, "yes you made it perfectly clear."

"good. i'm going to the cafeteria first, i heard there's little chicken bites!" she smiles excitingly before skipping off.

"they're lying to you!" he shouts after her with a small teasing smile.

"no, you are!" she shouts back before turning the corner.

he rolls his eyes, leaning against the locker to wait for will since he normally waits for el.

"hey mike." someone chirps as he turns his head.

"hey kylie." he greets before looking back to the direction will was supposed to come from.

she clears her throat and walks in front of him, "so me and my girlfriends are going to the bowling alley tomorrow and i was wondering if you want to join. we'd love for you to come."

"um, no thank you." he says politely but that was the last thing he wanted to be.

"oh mike, it'll be fun." her arm goes on his, "i assure you, it'll be the best night you'll ever have." she winks.

he mentally gags, "sorry, can't. i- uh, got a date with my girlfriend." he thinks of a lie quickly.

her arm on his let's go, "your what?"

"yep, girlfriend." he nods and sees will from ahead, "as a matter of fact, i'm going to find her now. hope you have fun tomorrow." he says before running over to will.

"some kylie bitch just wanted me to hang out with their girlfriends tomorrow." he says as will laughs.

"did you agree?" will asks.

"of course not! i had to make up a lie and say i had a girlfriend." mike scoffs as they walk into the cafeteria.

"dude, how did she believe that? everyone knows you're single and ready to mingle." will chuckles.

"and how would you know? maybe i do have one." mike raises an eyebrow.

"but you don't. thank god she didn't say bring your girlfriend or else your ass would've been grass." he says.

"yeah thank god." mike mumbles as they sit down.

"i got you mac and cheese and chicken bites!" el smiles, giving will the food, "wow, thanks."

"you're welcome. they had yogurt but it's all gone now." she says sadly as he nods.

"hey mike!" kylie chirps, putting her hand on the table loudly as el jumps at the sudden voice.

"yes?" mike asks, clearly annoyed.

"well since you said you had a girlfriend, we were thinking you could invite her as well. we wouldn't mind seeing who this girlfriend is." she smirks.

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