chapter seven

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"you're serious!?" will exclaims with a wide smile and wide eyes.

"it's about time i listened to hop and embraced my insecurities so i'm not covering my arms in this heat and i'll be wearing the clothes i've always wanted to." she smiles to herself as she fixes her hair in the mirror.

"yes! finally!" he stands up to hug her, "i'm so excited for you!"

"thanks, will." she says softly as she finishes off and grabs her bag, "lets go."

they walk down to the car where joyce was already for them and gets in quickly since they were already running late.

joyce gives them a smile as she starts the car and drives. both will and el quickly put their seatbelts on in a hurry.

joyce has always been a fast driver which sometimes scares the both of them but thankfully, they haven't gotten into any accidents yet.

arriving at the school, they both realise that they're 5 minutes late to first period and quickly stumbles out of the car, giving joyce a quick goodbye and runs into the school hand in hand.

they both had first period together making it better since if they do get in trouble, they would get in trouble together.

"sorry we're late." will says as they both walk in.

"i'll let it pass." the teacher answers tiredly as they both walk to the back.

they both pant as they sit down, giving each other a high five since they didn't get in any trouble just yet.

"people are eyeing me." she whispers.

"let them." he whispers back as she nods.


"wow, looks like someone stepped out of their comfort zone." mike remarks as he sits down at the lunch table.

"quit the asshole attitude for a day, will you?" will asks.

"why are you always siding with her?" mike asks, signalling to el as she rolls her eyes.

"because she's my sister?" will let's out a laugh.

"step but sure." mike says.

"step or not, she's still my sister."

"yeah from some orphanage of crazy people i bet." mike mumbles as el stands up, "i can't stay here, you're so annoying."

"oh no, boohoo, el is crying because of some comment i made of some orphanage." mike pouts sarcastically.

she slaps him across the face making a loud smack appear and everyone in the cafeteria turns to them, "fuck you."

he laughs darkly and grabs her wrist before she could leave, "not before i fuck you first."

she furrows her eyebrows but doesn't let her confusion get in the way. she grabs his phone from the table and smashes it onto the ground, giving it a hard stomp as well, "oops."

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