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"sweetheart.... wake up. i got everything ready already, the kids are all good." mike whispers, shaking el awake as she shoves him away, "why so early?"

"because it's first day of school for the troublemakers?" he says in a questioning tone.

she sits up quickly, "shit! i forget! oh my god, i need to-"

"no, baby, i got them all ready." he shushes her.

"what? you did?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows a bit as he nods.

"yes, i did. now tell me how you're feeling this morning, do we need to go to the doctors?" he asks, inspecting her face.

throughout all of her pregnancies, el has experienced depression after all of them. she calls them pregnancy depression since the scientific term is just too hard to read.

mike always pays more attention to her just in case she has any symptoms shown.

"baby, i'm fine. it's just the hormones these days." she chuckles tiredly.

"yeah okay, but you still need your meds just in case." he tells her as she nods.

"i know. stupid pregnancy depression." she huffs as he chuckles, "go get ready and i'll get fix you a plate of breakfast downstairs." he kisses her forehead.

"thank you. make sure zariah is eating and elias doesnt-"

"baby, i know how to take care of thing 3 and 4." he laughs, "just get ready. i'll be waiting downstairs." he gives her a kiss on the lips and walks out.

"technically they're not thing 3 and 4 because they're not twins!" she shouts after him.

she smiles to herself and stands up to walk to their connected bathroom. switching on the lights, she washes her face and brushes her hair since it was a mess.

she puts a little bit of makeup on so she wouldn't look so dead like and then walks out to get changed.

el owned a bookstore cafe. it's actually what she always wanted to be honest. when hop first adopted her, he would bring a beverage and read to her every morning before work.

it was her favourite memory.

so in honour of that, she opened up a bookstore cafe where people can drink and read there.

considering she worked there, she picked out an outfit that matched her cafe since she'll need to go in today.

picking an outfit out of her closet, she grabs her shoulder purse and a pair of matching strappy sandal heels.



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